Store/Cover date option

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Store/Cover date option

Post by TheHYPO »

Within a comic series, there is a button to switch from Store Date to Cover Date. Would it be possible to add this button to the "wanted" page? I have a number of older series with no "store date" data, so I can't properly sort the wanted list by oldest to newest.

I also note that within a comic, the column is named "Store Date" or "Cover Date" depending on which you choose. On the wanted page, it's "release date". I would suggest that consistency in the column names across pages would be ideal.
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Re: Store/Cover date option

Post by evilhero »

Release date is probably a more apt name for the Wanted section as it's when the issue was physically released (ie. Store date). But I understand what you're asking and it's something to consider changing on that particular page.

I feel like there's no need to put cover date on the Wanted section as it's an irrelevant date for consideration in the list. As it's normally up to 3 months past store date, the metrics by which mylar search for doesn't use it (it does use cover date tho if it's available if no store date is presernt).

What might be more doable is to have it show store date if no cover date is available, but with a marker/indicator of some kind to denote that it's the cover date. That would allow for you to sort by oldest to newest date with minor inconsistencies in the date vs an all or nothing date filter approach.
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