Mylar not finding downloaded files from SABnzbd

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Mylar not finding downloaded files from SABnzbd

Post by Mordred »

I'm running v0.7.8 out of a docker container on a windows machine. My docker compose volumes section looks like this:

Code: Select all

      - ./config:/config
      - F:/comics:/comics
      - D:/SABnzbd:/downloads
SABNzbd has a comics category. Downloaded files end up in "D:\SABnzbd\comics\" yet Mylar is giving me this message in the logs:

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2024-03-17 03:54:04	WARNING	Unable to complete post-processing call due to not finding file in the location provided. [{'status': True, 'nzo_id': 'SABnzbd_nzo_rlchzg1r', 'queue': {'mode': 'queue', 'output': 'json', 'nzo_ids': 'SABnzbd_nzo_rlchzg1r', 'category': 'comics', 'apikey': '<redacted>'}, 'comicid': '122162', 'issueid': '888812', 'apicall': True, 'download_info': {'provider': '[nzbhydra]', 'id': '6856176632862507212'}}]
2024-03-17 03:54:04	ERROR	no file found where it should be @ D:\SABnzbd\comics - is there another script that moves things after completion ?
2024-03-17 03:54:04	INFO	found matching completed item in history. Job has a status of Completed
2024-03-17 03:54:04	DEBUG	nzo_id: SABnzbd_nzo_rlchzg1r --- SABnzbd_nzo_rlchzg1r [Completed]
2024-03-17 03:54:04	DEBUG	SABnzbd version is higher than 3.2.0. Querying history based on nzo_id directly.
2024-03-17 03:54:04	INFO	File has now downloaded!
I have the "Are mylar / sabnzbd on separate machines" option set and I had to clear out the download directory value to make it look in D:\SABnzbd\comics\... it just isn't finding the files for some reason.

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Re: Mylar not finding downloaded files from SABnzbd

Post by evilhero »

Why are you not using the mount points you made in docker? You're using OS paths that cannot be seen from within the docker container.

The whole point of docker is that everything in the container is isolated from everything else on your machine. It can only see what you mount via the mount points, nothing else.

Use /downloads not D:\Sabnzbd within mylar (and the same with /comics).
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Re: Mylar not finding downloaded files from SABnzbd

Post by Mordred »

I'm pretty sure that I am? Nowhere in mylar is D:\SABnzbd specified. I was assuming it was getting that path from SABnzbd's categories.

If I put back /downloads as the folder for SABs download directory (instead of leaving it blank) I get this:

Code: Select all

2024-03-17 04:27:09	DEBUG	[ERROR] Unable to locate path (/downloads/SABnzbd/comics) on the machine that is running Mylar. If Mylar and sabnzbd are on separate machines, you need to set a directory location that is accessible to both
2024-03-17 04:27:09	DEBUG	final_dst: /downloads/SABnzbd/comics
2024-03-17 04:27:09	DEBUG	file: SABnzbd\comics
2024-03-17 04:27:09	DEBUG	maindir: D:\
2024-03-17 04:27:09	DEBUG	sub_dir: True
2024-03-17 04:27:09	DEBUG	[CDH MAPPING] Destination root directory @: /downloads
2024-03-17 04:27:09	DEBUG	[CDH MAPPING] Downloaded file @: D:\SABnzbd\comics
2024-03-17 04:27:09	DEBUG	[CDH MAPPING] Base directory for downloads set to: comics
2024-03-17 04:27:09	DEBUG	[CDH MAPPING][comics] category defined - job folder creation defined - using comics as based download folder with sub folder creation
Here's my category in SABnzbd:

Here's the relevant settings page too (after changing it to "/downloads" for the above test).
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Re: Mylar not finding downloaded files from SABnzbd

Post by evilhero »

So you're not running sab in a docker based on that pathing then? Normally your sab docker download path would just be the normal mount point, but windows pathing is probably messing things up abit.

If it considers sab on a different machine (ie. docker), than you cannot leave the sabnzbd directory path empty as that's the where it will look for your completed downloads.

Maybe try changing the /downloads mount in your docker compose to D:/SABnzbd/comics and seeing if that helps resolve it (keep the sabznd download directory set to /downloads)
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Re: Mylar not finding downloaded files from SABnzbd

Post by Mordred »

Yeah sab isn't in a docker container because I set it up years ago, but I decided to do Mylar that way because it seemed "better". Guess that's what I get for being smart.

I changed the mount to D:/SABnzbd/comics but that doesn't fix the problem:

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[ERROR] Unable to locate path (/downloads/SABnzbd/comics) on the machine that is running Mylar. If Mylar and sabnzbd are on separate machines, you need to set a directory location that is accessible to both
Which makes sense because then it'd be looking in D:\SABnzbd\comics\SABnzbd\comics.

I even tried to get extra cute and change the mount to be

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- D:/:/downloads
but it still doesn't work (with the exact same error message as above) even though I can see that path through docker's files list and this works perfectly:

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root@9bb9f00aa69d:/# ls -al /downloads/SABnzbd/comics
total 119668
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root     4096 Mar 17 05:05  .
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root     4096 Mar 17 04:18  ..
<comics listing removed>
Unless you've got some ideas it seems like I'm going to have to undockerize this and install it as a Windows service.
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Re: Mylar not finding downloaded files from SABnzbd

Post by evilhero »

Unfortunately the way it's built is to detect the pathing being passed back from sabnzbd and then replace based on the OS pathing and the downlaod mount.

Because you're running docker on Windows - it detects it as Linux (which is correct cause that's docker), but then Windows pathing is being passed back from sab since its not dockerized.

There's probably a way to get it to detect it, but not anything that I can whip up in a short amount of time I'm guessing.

Since it sounds like you're not wanting to go docker with sab, atm at least the only solution would be to not dockerize mylar until we can get the pathing to detect correctly, which requires some code changes.

Kinda sucks, but looking at the code I can definitely see where it'd be failing based on your current environment..
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Re: Mylar not finding downloaded files from SABnzbd

Post by Mordred »

Well, a disappointing answer is still an answer. At least now I know I didn't have something misconfigured. I'm assuming after all the trial and error I'll have no issues getting it setup quickly in windows though.

Thanks for looking into it and the quick responses!
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