Folder Monitoring not working

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Folder Monitoring not working

Post by Spartan304 »

I'm running Mylar on Windows Server 2019, running version [47e54f48f5521e9794ba8cd2ccb1d96fdeb5ea96] (not really sure if dev or master as the logs say cur_branch is python_dev but I don't have dev specified in the config file), with Python 3.9.4. I've manually downloaded some comics and even after setting a monitored folder I see no trace of Mylar even attempting to scan the folder or PP the files shows up in the logs. I've disabled/re-enabled the setting and also have changed the folder to several other directories all to no avail. Any ideas as to why?

Initializing startup sequence....
17-Nov-2023 17:00:20 - INFO :: mylar.configure.1187 : MainThread : Ignored Publishers: []
17-Nov-2023 17:00:20 - INFO :: mylar.configure.1210 : MainThread : [MASS_PUBLISHERS] Auto-add for weekly publishers set to: []
17-Nov-2023 17:00:20 - INFO :: mylar.configure.1222 : MainThread : [IGNORE_SEARCH_WORDS] Words to flag search result as invalid: ['.exe', '.iso', 'pdf-xpost', 'pdf', 'ebook']
17-Nov-2023 17:00:20 - INFO :: mylar.configure.1234 : MainThread : [PROBLEM_DATES] Problem dates loaded: ['2021-07-14 04:00:34']
17-Nov-2023 17:00:20 - INFO :: mylar.configure.1248 : MainThread : [COMICTAGGER] Version detected: 1.3.5
17-Nov-2023 17:00:20 - INFO :: mylar.configure.1341 : MainThread : [Search Tier Cutoff] Setting Tier-1 cutoff point to 14 days
17-Nov-2023 17:00:21 - INFO :: mylar.initialize.257 : MainThread : Checking to see if the database has all tables....
17-Nov-2023 17:00:21 - INFO :: mylar.dbcheck.1555 : MainThread : Ensuring DB integrity - Removing all Erroneous Comics (ie. named None)
17-Nov-2023 17:00:21 - INFO :: mylar.dbcheck.1565 : MainThread : Correcting Null entries that make the main page break on startup.
17-Nov-2023 17:00:21 - INFO :: mylar.dbcheck.1576 : MainThread : [<class 'int'>]oldconfig_version: 12
17-Nov-2023 17:00:21 - INFO :: mylar.check_failed_update.172 : MainThread : checked is None
17-Nov-2023 17:00:21 - INFO :: mylar.initialize.286 : MainThread : Successfully discovered local IP and locking it in as : x.x.x.x (obfuscated for privacy)
17-Nov-2023 17:00:21 - INFO :: mylar.initialize.363 : MainThread : [IMPRINT_LOADS] Loading Publisher imprints data from local file.
17-Nov-2023 17:00:21 - INFO :: mylar.initialize.389 : MainThread : [IMPRINT_LOADS] Successfully loaded imprints for 6 publishers
17-Nov-2023 17:00:21 - INFO :: mylar.initialize.391 : MainThread : Remapping the sorting to allow for new additions.
17-Nov-2023 17:00:21 - INFO :: mylar.ComicSort.779 : MainThread : Sucessfully ordered 24 series in your watchlist.
17-Nov-2023 17:00:22 - WARNING :: mylar.SABtest.7182 : MainThread : Error fetching data from https://localhost:8080/api: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8080): Max retries exceeded with url: /api?mode=version (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self signed certificate (_ssl.c:1123)')))
17-Nov-2023 17:00:22 - WARNING :: mylar.SABtest.7184 : MainThread : Cannot verify ssl certificate. Attempting to authenticate with no ssl-certificate verification.
17-Nov-2023 17:00:24 - INFO :: mylar.SABtest.7221 : MainThread : APIKey provided is the FULL API Key which is the correct key.
17-Nov-2023 17:00:24 - INFO :: mylar.SABtest.7222 : MainThread : Connection to SABnzbd tested sucessfully
17-Nov-2023 17:00:24 - INFO :: mylar.initialize.401 : MainThread : [SAB-VERSION-CHECK] SABnzbd version detected as: 2.3.9

17-Nov-2023 17:00:24 - INFO :: mylar.validateAndCreateDirectory.1846 : MainThread : [DIRECTORY-CHECK] Found DATA directory: C:\ProgramData\mylar
17-Nov-2023 17:00:24 - INFO :: mylar.initialize.73 : MAIN : Starting Mylar on
17-Nov-2023 17:00:25 - INFO :: mylar.getVersion.149 : MAIN : cur_commit_hash: 47e54f48f5521e9794ba8cd2ccb1d96fdeb5ea96
17-Nov-2023 17:00:25 - INFO :: mylar.getVersion.150 : MAIN : cur_branch: python3-dev
17-Nov-2023 17:00:25 - INFO :: mylar.getVersion.180 : MAIN : Branch detected & set to : python3-dev
17-Nov-2023 17:00:25 - INFO :: mylar.versionload.469 : MAIN : Version information: python3-dev [47e54f48f5521e9794ba8cd2ccb1d96fdeb5ea96]
17-Nov-2023 17:00:26 - INFO :: mylar.release_messages.274 : MAIN : release_messages: None
17-Nov-2023 17:00:26 - INFO :: mylar.start.667 : MAIN : [SEARCH-QUEUE] Attempting to background load the search queue....
17-Nov-2023 17:00:26 - INFO :: mylar.start.671 : MAIN : [SEARCH-QUEUE] Successfully started the Search Queuer...
17-Nov-2023 17:00:26 - INFO :: mylar.queue_schedule.710 : MAIN : [SAB-MONITOR] Completed post-processing handling enabled for SABnzbd. Attempting to background load....
17-Nov-2023 17:00:26 - INFO :: mylar.queue_schedule.716 : MAIN : [AUTO-COMPLETE-NZB] Succesfully started Completed post-processing handling for SABnzbd - will now monitor for completed nzbs within sabnzbd and post-process automatically...
17-Nov-2023 17:00:26 - INFO :: mylar.start.667 : MAIN : [POST-PROCESS-QUEUE] Post Process queue enabled & monitoring for api requests....
17-Nov-2023 17:00:26 - INFO :: mylar.start.671 : MAIN : [POST-PROCESS-QUEUE] Succesfully started Post-Processing Queuer....
17-Nov-2023 17:00:26 - INFO :: mylar.start.586 : MAIN : [WEEKLY] Checking for existance of Weekly Comic listing...
17-Nov-2023 17:00:26 - INFO :: mylar.start.645 : MAIN : Firing up the Background Schedulers now....
17-Nov-2023 17:00:26 - INFO :: mylar.start.650 : MAIN : Background Schedulers successfully started...
17-Nov-2023 17:00:56 - INFO :: mylar.on_login.128 : CP Server Thread-10 : Spartan304 successfully logged on.
17-Nov-2023 17:01:32 - INFO :: mylar.fly_me_to_the_moon.3013 : CP Server Thread-10 : weeknumber: 46
17-Nov-2023 17:01:32 - INFO :: mylar.fly_me_to_the_moon.3116 : CP Server Thread-10 : mismatched: []
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Re: Folder Monitoring not working

Post by evilhero »

You'd have to post the carepackage and then we could get a better understanding of what's not happening.

How to generate a carepackage instructions can be found here
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Re: Folder Monitoring not working

Post by Spartan304 »

Ok thanks! Here's a link to the carepackage:!AtAAcglA0_w2gosrvdu ... Q?e=YFwhqu
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Re: Folder Monitoring not working

Post by evilhero »

You said you manually downloaded the files - are they cbr /cbz files?

Do the files you downloaded belong to a series on your watchlist (main page)?

Post-processing will only act on files that belong to a series that's being monitored. Import will only act on files that don't being to a monitored series. So it also makes a difference what you're trying to accomplish.

Also, logs are all INFO level which may not be showing the entire process. Turn on verbose logging and then go thru the action that you're having problems with. Once you do it and it doesn't do what you're expecting, generate a carepackage and pass the new one up here.

Instructions on how to enable debug logging is in the link I posted above, just the following page.
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Re: Folder Monitoring not working

Post by Spartan304 »

Yes the comics are on the watchlist and they are in either cbr or cbz format. I have the folder monitor set to F:\Comics\Test and I have manually copied both comics I downloaded in the folder and even after 5 minutes of waiting, the comics are still there and not being post processed. Included is the care package after enabling debug logging and waiting the 5 minutes.!AtAAcglA0_w2goss5qw ... g?e=VwJDl8
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Re: Folder Monitoring not working

Post by evilhero »

Yeah that's not showing anything unfortunately.

The weird thing there's a bunch of stuff that just doesn't add up either - all of your series refreshes for the weekly pull all take place in less than a second, whereas typically it can take upwards of 30s per series, not less than one second for 12 series.

Unfortunately the verbose logging reverted back to INFO level after a restart so it doesn't say what any problem was. If you set the log_level = 2 in the config.ini (with mylar not running), it will keep verbose logging on after restarts which will help in the log gathering and any subsequent care packages you generate.

Here's an idea - the ProgramData folder is sometimes protected too well. Try moving the mylar directory out of ProgramData and somewhere else (even the root of your C drive probably is fine). If you move the entire thing, you shouldn't have to worry about the git stuff as git puts all its' stuff in a hidden folder within the mylar directory. When you do move it you may have to modify the config.ini values to point to the new location instead of it hitting the ProgramData location
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Re: Folder Monitoring not working

Post by Spartan304 »

That's really odd because after I turned on debug logging I didn't restart Mylar so I have no idea why it would've turned itself off.

Ok so I shut it down, moved it to C:\Mylar, make the config.ini changes to the paths and debug logging, fired it back up, and still no folder monitoring.

Here's the next carepackage, thanks for looking into this!!AtAAcglA0_w2gostF1S ... g?e=78fn7S
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Re: Folder Monitoring not working

Post by evilhero »

According to the logs, you haven't shutdown/restarted Myalr since Nov18th. Plus it's still referencing the programdata directory.

Shut down mylar - make sure it's not running. Restart your pc if you have to. Once its down, edit your config.ini and set log_level = 2 (mylar will revert to info level logging unless the ini is set). Save the config. Start up mylar. Let it go for a few mins then generate a new carepackage and attach the new one.
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Re: Folder Monitoring not working

Post by Spartan304 »

Ok that is also really odd. After I make changes in the web interface I always tell Mylar to restart and during troubleshooting/moving the directory I made sure the python window was closed out and that I could no longer reach the web interface. In any event, I shut it down, rebooted the computer, fired it back up and verified that debug logging stuck this time. Here's the newest care package.!AtAAcglA0_w2gosuzes ... w?e=oQJumY
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Re: Folder Monitoring not working

Post by evilhero »

Ok, think I see :
-go to the Manage tab / Activity Jobs tab.
- Find the Folder Monitor line in the table, should be in a Paused state
- click on the Resume option available under the options column.

Should fire off now at the desired time interval.
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