But it downloaded them from GetComics to /config/mylar/cache. And that's it. I tried to manage or tinker other options, but the comics just remained there. Manage section just shows broken covers and IDs, nothing else.
I haven't set that folder to be the /downloads folder. My docker-compose looks like this
Code: Select all
version: "2.1"
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/mylar3:latest
container_name: mylar3
- PUID=998
- PGID=100
- TZ=Europe/Rome
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-5b67514d-485e-4306-873e-b1cbb54ccf99/Config/Mylar3:/config
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-2628F1C228F19153/data/media/comics:/comics
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-2628F1C228F19153/data/downloads:/downloads
- 8090:8090
restart: unless-stopped
Code: Select all
Mylar Data Directory : /config/mylar
Mylar Program Directory : /app/mylar3
Mylar Cache Directory : /config/mylar/cache
Mylar Config File :/config/mylar/config.ini
Why are comics being downloaded to /cache instead of /downloads and why do they remain sitting there?
If I click Download [copy weekly snatched items..] a folder like /comics/2023-11 is created, but none of the comics in /cache is moved there.