Mylar sends nzb to SAB, but SAB is stuck on "Fetch"

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Mylar sends nzb to SAB, but SAB is stuck on "Fetch"

Post by stevedawg85 »

[LAST_RELEASE] Commit: d09a2cda7ad5877c89e4e35aef76c0b70cc99fd4
[LAST_RELEASE] Version: v0.6.2
[LAST_RELEASE] Branch: master
Just installed Mylar3 on Portainer/docker

I think its a Mylar issue, because I have Sonarr, Radarr, etc configured properly, only Mylar is giving me problems. I search/find comics on Mylar, mark as WANT, then on SAB it'll grab/find it, but stuck on FETCH. Nothing downloads, Below is a snippet log from SAB:

Code: Select all

2022-01-03 23:18:28,024::INFO::[__init__:551] Fetching<APIKEY>&cmd=downloadNZB&nzbname=Wastelanders.-.Wolverine.001.2022.Digital.Zone-Empire.nzb
2022-01-03 23:18:28,025::INFO::[nzbqueue:235] Saving queue
2022-01-03 23:18:28,025::INFO::[notifier:122] Sending notification: NZB added to queue - Wastelanders.-.Wolverine.001.2022.Digital.Zone-Empire.nzb - Trying to fetch NZB from<APIKEY>&cmd=downloadNZB&nzbname=Wastelanders.-.Wolverine.001.2022.Digital.Zone-Empire.nzb (type=download, job_cat=comics)
2022-01-03 23:18:33,004::INFO::[urlgrabber:134] Grabbing URL<APIKEY>&cmd=downloadNZB&nzbname=Wastelanders.-.Wolverine.001.2022.Digital.Zone-Empire.nzb
2022-01-03 23:19:33,063::INFO::[urlgrabber:207] Retry URL<APIKEY>&cmd=downloadNZB&nzbname=Wastelanders.-.Wolverine.001.2022.Digital.Zone-Empire.nzb
2022-01-03 23:19:36,066::INFO::[urlgrabber:134] Grabbing URL<APIKEY>&cmd=downloadNZB&nzbname=Star.Wars.-.War.Of.The.Bounty.Hunters.005.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire.nzb
hopefully relevant snippet from mylar log (diff comics, but same thing happening)

Code: Select all

2022-01-03 23:43:50	INFO	[UPDATER] Updated the status (Snatched) complete for Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters Issue: 1
2022-01-03 23:43:50	DEBUG	[UPDATER] Provider is nzbplanet (newznab)
2022-01-03 23:43:50	INFO	[UPDATER] Updating status to snatched
2022-01-03 23:43:50	DEBUG	[UPDATER] issueid: 857592
2022-01-03 23:43:50	DEBUG	[UPDATER] comicid: 136616
2022-01-03 23:43:50	DEBUG	I found Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1
2022-01-03 23:43:50	DEBUG	findit = found!
2022-01-03 23:43:50	INFO	[UPDATER] Updated the status (Snatched) complete for Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters Issue: 1
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	[UPDATER] Provider is nzbplanet (newznab)
2022-01-03 23:43:49	INFO	[UPDATER] Updating status to snatched
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	[UPDATER] issueid: 857592
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	[UPDATER] comicid: 136616
2022-01-03 23:43:49	INFO	setting the alternate nzbname for this download grabbed by nzbplanet (newznab) in the nzblog to : StarWars-WarOfTheBountyHunters0012021DigitalKileko-Empire
2022-01-03 23:43:49	INFO	setting the nzbid for this download grabbed by nzbplanet (newznab) in the nzblog to : cf81bb24f1def827d2d1a4f134d0cbd8
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	Found matching comic...preparing to send to Updater with IssueID: 857592 and nzbname: Star.Wars.-.War.Of.The.Bounty.Hunters.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire [StarWars-WarOfTheBountyHunters0012021DigitalKileko-Empire]
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	mylar.COMICINFO: [{'ComicName': 'Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters', 'ComicID': '136616', 'IssueID': '857592', 'ComicVolume': None, 'IssueNumber': '1', 'IssueDate': '2021-08-01', 'comyear': '2021', 'pack': False, 'pack_numbers': None, 'pack_issuelist': None, 'modcomicname': 'Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters', 'oneoff': False, 'nzbprov': 'newznab', 'provider': 'nzbplanet', 'nzbtitle': 'Star Wars - War Of The Bounty Hunters 001 (2021) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire)', 'nzbid': 'cf81bb24f1def827d2d1a4f134d0cbd8', 'link': '', 'size': '44.9 MB', 'tmpprov': 'nzbplanet (newznab)', 'kind': 'usenet', 'booktype': 'Print', 'SARC': None, 'IssueArcID': None, 'newznab': ('nzbplanet', '', '0', 'a2502d1bff937370bf8c35efc2f78863', '', '1', 5), 'torznab': None}]
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	booktype:Print / chktpb: 0 / findloop: 0
2022-01-03 23:43:49	INFO	Successfully sent nzb file to SABnzbd
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	sending now to
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	parameters set to {'mode': 'addurl', 'name': '', 'cmd': 'downloadNZB', 'nzbname': 'Star.Wars.-.War.Of.The.Bounty.Hunters.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire.nzb', 'output': 'json', 'priority': '-100', 'cat': 'comics'}
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	Successfully changed ownership and permissions [1001:100] / [0777 / 0660]
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	Cache Directory successfully found at : /config/mylar/cache. Ensuring proper permissions.
2022-01-03 23:43:49	INFO	filen: StarWars-WarOfTheBountyHunters0012021DigitalKileko-Empire -- nzbname: Star.Wars.-.War.Of.The.Bounty.Hunters.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire are not identical. Storing extra value as : StarWars-WarOfTheBountyHunters0012021DigitalKileko-Empire
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	[FILENAME] end nzbname: StarWars-WarOfTheBountyHunters0012021DigitalKileko-Empire
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	[FILENAME] nzbname : StarWars-WarOfTheBountyHunters0012021DigitalKileko-Empire
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	[FILENAME] filename (remove chars): StarWars-WarOfTheBountyHunters0012021DigitalKileko-Empire
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	Status code returned: 200
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	[PAYLOAD-NONE] Download URL: [VerifySSL: False]
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	link given by: newznab
2022-01-03 23:43:49	INFO	Found Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters (2021) #1 using nzbplanet (newznab)
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	issues match!
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	nzbname used for post-processing: Star.Wars.-.War.Of.The.Bounty.Hunters.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] end nzbname: Star.Wars.-.War.Of.The.Bounty.Hunters.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] nzbname : Star Wars - War Of The Bounty Hunters 001 2021 Digital Kileko-Empire
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] nzbname (remove chars): Star Wars - War Of The Bounty Hunters 001 2021 Digital Kileko-Empire
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] entry[title]: Star Wars - War Of The Bounty Hunters 001 (2021) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire)
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	integer value of issue we have found : 1000
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	issue we found for is : 001
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	integer value of issue we are looking for : 1000
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	issue we are looking for is : 1
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	2021 - right years match baby!
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	match_check: {'process_status': 'match', 'sub': None, 'volume': None, 'match_type': None, 'comicfilename': 'Star Wars - War Of The Bounty Hunters 001 (2021) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire)', 'comiclocation': None, 'series_name': 'Star Wars - War Of The Bounty Hunters', 'series_volume': None, 'alt_series': 'Star Wars', 'alt_issue': 'War Of The Bounty Hunters', 'issue_year': '2021', 'issueid': None, 'justthedigits': '001', 'annual_comicid': None, 'scangroup': 'Kileko-Empire', 'booktype': 'issue'}
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	booktype: Print / parsed_booktype: issue [ignore_booktype: False]
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	parsed_info: {'parse_status': 'success', 'sub': None, 'comicfilename': 'Star Wars - War Of The Bounty Hunters 001 (2021) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire)', 'comiclocation': None, 'series_name': 'Star Wars - War Of The Bounty Hunters', 'series_name_decoded': 'Star Wars - War Of The Bounty Hunters', 'issueid': None, 'dynamic_name': 'StarWars|WarOf|BountyHunters', 'series_volume': None, 'alt_series': 'Star Wars', 'alt_issue': 'War Of The Bounty Hunters', 'issue_year': '2021', 'issue_number': '001', 'scangroup': 'Kileko-Empire', 'reading_order': None, 'booktype': 'issue'}
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	Alternate series / issue title: Star Wars [War Of The Bounty Hunters]
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	series title possibly: Star Wars - War Of The Bounty Hunters
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	sf_highest_series_pos: ['Star', 'Wars', '-', 'War', 'Of', 'The', 'Bounty', 'Hunters']
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	ALT-SERIES NAME [ISSUE TITLE]: Star Wars [War Of The Bounty Hunters]
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	issue verified as : 001
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	issue_position: 8
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	issue number :001
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	yearposition: 9
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	hyphen located at position: 10
2022-01-03 23:43:49	DEBUG	possible_issuenumbers: [{'number': '001', 'position': 8, 'mod_position': 38, 'validcountchk': False}]
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Re: Mylar sends nzb to SAB, but SAB is stuck on "Fetch"

Post by evilhero »

If it's stuck on fetch, mylar can't resolve your IP (probably cause one of the two apps is remote to the other, or even that you're multi-homed). You can see that by the 172.x.x.x ip address in the url,which is normally a local ip.

There is a host_return setting in the config.ini that you can force an ip thru to sab but that usually is used when it can't resolve the host ip properly (set it as host_return = http://your.ip. here:8090).
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Re: Mylar sends nzb to SAB, but SAB is stuck on "Fetch"

Post by stevedawg85 »

Can you point me in the right direction, or confirm my suspicion?:
(Excuse my n00ishness):
I have them installed on Docker/Portainer w/ Sab on one Stack, and Mylar on another stack. So does this explain it?:

Stack 1 - Sonarr, Radarr, SAB, & others - Portainer IP of 172.20.0.X
Stack 2 - Mylar, LazyLibrarian, NZBHydra & others - Portainer IP of 172.23.0.X

I know it's out of the scope of this group, but any help appreciated. So should I just get all my Stack 2 containers and put them in Stack 1? I have no real reason why I separated them to begin with, just not to overload stack 1. Or is there an easy way to allow stack 2 to connect/see stack 1?
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Re: Mylar sends nzb to SAB, but SAB is stuck on "Fetch"

Post by evilhero »

I can't help with the portainer aspect (as I've never used it) - but all you need to do is to force Mylar to use the IP you tell it to (via the host_return value of the config.ini) as opposed to taking what it can determine, which is wrong due to how your system is setup.

I just don't know what the IP is for your Mylar install. It looks like you have SAB on, which would mean that the Mylar instance is probably not using the 172.x.x.x address as that's not the docker mylar IP. Like what IP/URL do you put into your web-browser to access Mylar? Cause that's probably the IP you should be using in the host_return value and make sure you specify it with the protocol and the port (ie. host_return =

The only other problem I can think of is that you might have your Mylar host address set to localhost which might be causing some of these problems as well - as on some systems the OS can't properly resolve localhost. If you're accessing Mylar from a source external to the Mylar instance, you can set the Mylar host value in Mylar to either the direct IP or (which would mean accept all connections regardless of origin). Setting the value to localhost / means that it would only accept connections that are local to that docker, which might cause some issues when your jumping different machines (I'm not sure if it would, but it's a possibility).
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Re: Mylar sends nzb to SAB, but SAB is stuck on "Fetch"

Post by stevedawg85 »

So I decided to move/install mylar3 onto my Stack 1 to limit possible problems. So that's done.

I changed host_return in my config to: - My server where Portainer is installed along w/ all containers (sab, radarr, mylar, etc)
http://deathstar.local:8090 - Same as above, just trying a different format - ip of mylar3 in Portainer

(rebooted mylar after every config update) All 3 will send the .nzb to SAB but leave it in FETCH. I was able to copy/paste the url similar to below, and that lets me download the .nzb directly< ... Empire.nzb

I'm running out of ideas, what else can I try.

EDIT: Typed this above message out while you were working on your message, ok, thanks for ideas, let me try a couple things. btw, here is a debug log if that helps from SAB:

Code: Select all

2022-01-04 22:24:18,945::DEBUG::[interface:130] Request POST /api from ::ffff: [python-requests/2.25.1] {'mode': 'addurl', 'name': 'http://deathstar.local:8090/api?apikey=<APIKEY>&cmd=downloadNZB&nzbname=Star.Wars.Adventures.-.Ghosts.of.Vader’s.Castle.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire.nzb', 'cmd': 'downloadNZB', 'nzbname': 'Star.Wars.Adventures.-.Ghosts.of.Vader’s.Castle.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire.nzb', 'output': 'json', 'priority': '-100', 'cat': 'comics', 'apikey':<APIKEY>'}
2022-01-04 22:24:18,947::INFO::[__init__:551] Fetching http://deathstar.local:8090/api?apikey=<APIKEY>&cmd=downloadNZB&nzbname=Star.Wars.Adventures.-.Ghosts.of.Vader’s.Castle.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire.nzb
2022-01-04 22:24:18,947::DEBUG::[nzbqueue:258] Creating placeholder NZO
2022-01-04 22:24:18,948::INFO::[nzbqueue:235] Saving queue
2022-01-04 22:24:18,949::DEBUG::[__init__:894] [] Saving data for SABnzbd_nzo_7lnkkiap in /config/admin/future
2022-01-04 22:24:18,950::DEBUG::[__init__:962] [] Saving data for queue10.sab
2022-01-04 22:24:18,950::DEBUG::[__init__:894] [sabnzbd.save_admin] Saving data for queue10.sab in /config/admin
2022-01-04 22:24:18,951::INFO::[notifier:122] Sending notification: NZB added to queue - Star.Wars.Adventures.-.Ghosts.of.Vader’s.Castle.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire.nzb - Trying to fetch NZB from http://deathstar.local:8090/api?apikey=<APIKEY>&cmd=downloadNZB&nzbname=Star.Wars.Adventures.-.Ghosts.of.Vader’s.Castle.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire.nzb (type=download, job_cat=comics)
2022-01-04 22:24:18,952::INFO::[urlgrabber:134] Grabbing URL http://deathstar.local:8090/api?apikey=<APIKEY>&cmd=downloadNZB&nzbname=Star.Wars.Adventures.-.Ghosts.of.Vader’s.Castle.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire.nzb
2022-01-04 22:24:18,954::DEBUG::[urlgrabber:141] Error "'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u2019' in position 111: ordinal not in range(128)" trying to get the url http://deathstar.local:8090/api?apikey=<APIKEY>&cmd=downloadNZB&nzbname=Star.Wars.Adventures.-.Ghosts.of.Vader’s.Castle.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire.nzb
2022-01-04 22:24:18,955::DEBUG::[urlgrabber:369] No usable response from indexer, retry after 60 sec
2022-01-04 22:24:18,956::INFO::[urlgrabber:207] Retry URL http://deathstar.local:8090/api?apikey=<APIKEY>&cmd=downloadNZB&nzbname=Star.Wars.Adventures.-.Ghosts.of.Vader’s.Castle.001.2021.Digital.Kileko-Empire.nzb
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed May 18, 2016 7:48 pm

Re: Mylar sends nzb to SAB, but SAB is stuck on "Fetch"

Post by stevedawg85 »

http_host =, & host_return = None The logs will show a startup of my mylar address

Code: Select all

04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.221 : MainThread : Successfully discovered local IP and locking it in as :
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.296 : MainThread : [IMPRINT_LOADS] Loading Publisher imprints data from local file.
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.322 : MainThread : [IMPRINT_LOADS] Successfully loaded imprints for 6 publishers
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.332 : MainThread : Remapping the sorting to allow for new additions.
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.ComicSort.754 : MainThread : Sucessfully ordered 9 series in your watchlist.
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.validateAndCreateDirectory.1762 : MainThread : [DIRECTORY-CHECK] Found comic directory: /config/mylar
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.170 : MAIN : [DOCKER-AWARE] Docker installation detected.
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.199 : MAIN : [LAST_RELEASE] Branch:  master
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.204 : MAIN : [LAST_RELEASE] Version: v0.6.2
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.207 : MAIN : [LAST_RELEASE] Commit: d09a2cda7ad5877c89e4e35aef76c0b70cc99fd4
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.221 : MAIN : Current Release Name: None
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.228 : MAIN : Branch detected & set to :  master
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.versionload.393 : MAIN : Version information:  master [d09a2cda7ad5877c89e4e35aef76c0b70cc99fd4]
04-Jan-2022 23:17:02 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.73 : MAIN : Starting Mylar on
http_host =, & host_return = , error saying 8090 is already in use & I can't open in browser:

Code: Select all

04-Jan-2022 23:02:38 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.73 : MAIN : Starting Mylar on
04-Jan-2022 23:02:38 - ERROR   :: mylar.initialize.187 : MAIN : [ERROR] Port 8090 is in use on
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.configure.1077 : MainThread : Ignored Publishers: []
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.configure.1100 : MainThread : [MASS_PUBLISHERS] Auto-add for weekly publishers set to: []
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.configure.1112 : MainThread : [PROBLEM_DATES] Problem dates loaded: ['2021-07-14 04:00:34']
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.configure.1116 : MainThread : [COMICTAGGER] Version detected: 1.3.4
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.207 : MainThread : Checking to see if the database has all tables....
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.dbcheck.1452 : MainThread : Ensuring DB integrity - Removing all Erroneous Comics (ie. named None)
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.dbcheck.1462 : MainThread : Correcting Null entries that make the main page break on startup.
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.221 : MainThread : Successfully discovered local IP and locking it in as :
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.296 : MainThread : [IMPRINT_LOADS] Loading Publisher imprints data from local file.
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.322 : MainThread : [IMPRINT_LOADS] Successfully loaded imprints for 6 publishers
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.332 : MainThread : Remapping the sorting to allow for new additions.
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.ComicSort.754 : MainThread : Sucessfully ordered 9 series in your watchlist.
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.validateAndCreateDirectory.1762 : MainThread : [DIRECTORY-CHECK] Found comic directory: /config/mylar
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.170 : MAIN : [DOCKER-AWARE] Docker installation detected.
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.199 : MAIN : [LAST_RELEASE] Branch:  master
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.204 : MAIN : [LAST_RELEASE] Version: v0.6.2
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.207 : MAIN : [LAST_RELEASE] Commit: d09a2cda7ad5877c89e4e35aef76c0b70cc99fd4
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.221 : MAIN : Current Release Name: None
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.228 : MAIN : Branch detected & set to :  master
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.versionload.393 : MAIN : Version information:  master [d09a2cda7ad5877c89e4e35aef76c0b70cc99fd4]
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.73 : MAIN : Starting Mylar on
04-Jan-2022 23:02:39 - ERROR   :: mylar.initialize.187 : MAIN : [ERROR] Port 8090 is in use on
http_host =, & host_return = , Same as #1 scenario, IP locked in as Portainer id:

Code: Select all

04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.221 : MainThread : Successfully discovered local IP and locking it in as :
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.296 : MainThread : [IMPRINT_LOADS] Loading Publisher imprints data from local file.
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.322 : MainThread : [IMPRINT_LOADS] Successfully loaded imprints for 6 publishers
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.332 : MainThread : Remapping the sorting to allow for new additions.
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.ComicSort.754 : MainThread : Sucessfully ordered 9 series in your watchlist.
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.validateAndCreateDirectory.1762 : MainThread : [DIRECTORY-CHECK] Found comic directory: /config/mylar
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.170 : MAIN : [DOCKER-AWARE] Docker installation detected.
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.199 : MAIN : [LAST_RELEASE] Branch:  master
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.204 : MAIN : [LAST_RELEASE] Version: v0.6.2
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.207 : MAIN : [LAST_RELEASE] Commit: d09a2cda7ad5877c89e4e35aef76c0b70cc99fd4
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.221 : MAIN : Current Release Name: None
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.getVersion.228 : MAIN : Branch detected & set to :  master
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.versionload.393 : MAIN : Version information:  master [d09a2cda7ad5877c89e4e35aef76c0b70cc99fd4]
04-Jan-2022 23:25:43 - INFO    :: mylar.initialize.73 : MAIN : Starting Mylar on
There has to be other folks running Mylar in Portainer/Docker right? Think I'm done troubleshooting for the day, i'll continue thinking on it.
Posts: 20
Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2017 12:02 pm

Re: Mylar sends nzb to SAB, but SAB is stuck on "Fetch"

Post by milkplus »

Just wanted to say that I was having the same issue and adding the IP address of my Mylar machine (I have SAB on a different box) to 'host_return' in the config.ini file fixed this for me. Cheers.
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Jan 07, 2024 3:55 am

Re: Mylar sends nzb to SAB, but SAB is stuck on "Fetch"

Post by redcat »

I had this issue as well. Both Sab and Mylar3 in containers. I figured out that I had two bridge networks and Sab was on and Mylar was on I redeployed Mylar3 so that it was on the same network as Sab and the Fetch issue went away.
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