Comic Imported but not shwoing in the UI.

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Comic Imported but not shwoing in the UI.

Post by timelar »

I've import some comics, and MyLars3 has moved them to the correct directory, and create a series.json file, but in the front end, it still shows wanted, is there anyway to get Mylar to fix this

I'm running the docker version of Mylar3 - Version: v0.8.0 (master)

Here is what the directory looks like

Code: Select all

 Directory of \\fastlib\library\comics\Doctor Who The Eighth Doctor (2015)

29/11/2024  17:44    <DIR>          .
29/11/2024  18:35    <DIR>          ..
29/11/2024  12:44        56,653,537 Doctor Who The Eighth Doctor 001 (2015.11).cbz
29/11/2024  17:44               676 series.json
               2 File(s)     56,654,213 bytes
Mylar3 has put the Issue 001 is on disc, in the correct directory, but front end shows this, (note sure if this link will work)

I've only imported issue 1 so far, this is one example there are a number of them that this has happened too in the latest batch of imports.

Hope you can help.

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Re: Comic Imported but not shwoing in the UI.

Post by evilhero »

It's either permissions related or it's due to the parser not recognizing the date field the way you have it 2015.11. Based on the network pathing, my best guess would be permissions related most likely.

If you enable debug logging and then go that page and do a Recheck Files, the log will probably indicate more as to why it's not picking up the files.
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Re: Comic Imported but not shwoing in the UI.

Post by timelar »

The log gives the following.

Code: Select all

2024-11-29 22:59:28	INFO	[FILE-RESCAN] Total files located: 0
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	[nothaves] issue_status_generation_time_taken: 0:00:00.004651
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	[haves] issue_status_writing took 0:00:00.000075
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	[haves] issue_status_generation took 0:00:00.000006
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	[ANNUAL-CHK] No annuals with identical issue numbering across annual volumes were detected for this series
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	No issues with identical issue numbering were detected for this series
2024-11-29 22:59:28	INFO	FAILED FILES: [{'parse_status': 'failure', 'sub': None, 'comicfilename': 'Doctor Who The Eighth Doctor 001 (2015.11).cbz', 'comiclocation': '/comics/Doctor Who The Eighth Doctor (2015)', 'series_name': 'Doctor Who The Eighth Doctor 001', 'series_volume': None, 'alt_series': None, 'alt_issue': None, 'issue_year': None, 'issue_number': '2015.11', 'issueid': None, 'scangroup': None, 'booktype': 'issue'}]
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	series title possibly: Doctor Who The Eighth Doctor 001
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	sf_highest_series_pos: ['Doctor', 'Who', 'The', 'Eighth', 'Doctor', '001']
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	issue verified as : 2015.11
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	issue_position: 6
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	issue number :2015.11
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	possible_issuenumbers: [{'number': '001', 'position': 5, 'mod_position': 29, 'validcountchk': False}, {'number': '2015.11', 'position': 6, 'mod_position': 35, 'validcountchk': False}]
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	highest_series_position: 7
2024-11-29 22:59:28	DEBUG	No year present within title - ignoring as a variable.
So it looks like my year.month is causing an issue, is there any year and month format, that I can use that won't confuse the parser.
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Re: Comic Imported but not shwoing in the UI.

Post by evilhero »

Failed to parse, you need to set the issue date in brackets to something without decimals, like just the year 2015 ( either 11-2015 or 2015-11 should all work I believe).

Generally speaking there's no need to include the month, as standard naming is just the issue year in brackets typically (and if you're tagging comics, the full date is in the metadata which is read by most comic readers over filename parsing anyways)
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Re: Comic Imported but not shwoing in the UI.

Post by timelar »

I'm adding the month, because I have a couple of comics '2001 A Space Odyssey' is one example, where they are the same year, and Myrar3 get confused, at the moment It thinks I have both issue 1's imported, as they are going into the same directory, even though I've not imported the 22566 version yet. I'll try the 2005-11 and see if it works, thanks. ... 050-22566/ ... 4050-2854/
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