Batch to remove scanner jpg (Updated 3-20-2015)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 8:34 pm
Save as something.bat, place in each comics' directory, run.
DO NOT RUN ON COMIC THAT STARTS WITH Z. Thought someone else would like this.
DO NOT RUN ON COMIC THAT STARTS WITH Z. Thought someone else would like this.
Code: Select all
REM Based on
REM Mass Zip, RAR to 7Zip Recompression Batch File by Andrew Armstrong
REM Find all .cbr and .rar files in the current directory, recompress them into .cb7 and .7zip files - deletes original
ECHO Searching for CBR CBZ and RAR files to recompress into CB7 (Comic Book Zip) archives.
for %%F in (*.cbr *.rar *.cbz) do (
ECHO Found %%F to recompress...
REM Extract...
"C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z" x "%%F" -o"%%F contents"
REM Does the directory exist? has 7zip created it correctly?
IF EXIST "%%F contents" (
REM Change directory, create zip of contents of directory...
REM Deletes original file
DEL /F "%%F"
CD "%%F contents"
REM for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /ad/s/b') do echo %%i
REM remove banners
DEL /F /S /Q z*.*
REM Delete Thumbnail files.
DEL /F /S /Q Thumbs.db
REM compression level is 9 ultra
"C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z" a -t7z "../%%~nF.cb7" * -mx9
CD ..
REM Delete the temporary extraction folder
RMDIR "%%F contents" /S /Q
ECHO Recompressed %%F to %%~nF.cb7
ECHO Search ended.