Batch to remove scanner jpg (Updated 3-20-2015)

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Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:28 pm

Batch to remove scanner jpg (Updated 3-20-2015)

Post by dardack »

Save as something.bat, place in each comics' directory, run.

DO NOT RUN ON COMIC THAT STARTS WITH Z. Thought someone else would like this.

Code: Select all

REM Based on 
REM Mass Zip, RAR to 7Zip Recompression Batch File by Andrew Armstrong
REM Find all .cbr and .rar files in the current directory, recompress them into .cb7 and .7zip files - deletes original

ECHO Searching for CBR CBZ and RAR files to recompress into CB7 (Comic Book Zip) archives.

for %%F in (*.cbr *.rar *.cbz) do (
ECHO Found %%F to recompress...
REM Extract...
"C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z" x "%%F" -o"%%F contents"

REM Does the directory exist? has 7zip created it correctly?
IF EXIST "%%F contents" (
REM Change directory, create zip of contents of directory...

REM Deletes original file
DEL /F "%%F"
CD "%%F contents"
REM for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /ad/s/b') do echo %%i
REM remove banners 
DEL /F /S /Q z*.*

REM Delete Thumbnail files. 
DEL /F /S /Q Thumbs.db
REM compression level is 9 ultra
"C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z" a -t7z "../%%~nF.cb7" * -mx9
CD ..
REM Delete the temporary extraction folder
RMDIR "%%F contents" /S /Q
ECHO Recompressed %%F to %%~nF.cb7

ECHO Search ended.

Last edited by dardack on Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:28 pm

Re: Batch to remove scanner jpg

Post by dardack »

OK I have an updated script. You can place this in your top directory. So I have my Gdrive (for google to read with comiccat wherever I am), then a comics folder under that.
Change the first 3 lines:
set BaseDir=y:\gdrive\
set ComicDir=comics\
set ZipDir=C:\Program Files\7-zip

To you base directory, comic directory (if it's comic, set base to like y:\)
Set ZipDir to your 7Zip directory.

Then once it's run you'll have a BatchErrors.txt that will show if any of the Comic's failed to extract/recompress (Usually this means the CBR/CBZ is bad, so redownload, or sometimes if using usenet there are bad ones).

Code: Select all

set BaseDir=y:\gdrive\
set ComicDir=comics\
set ZipDir=C:\Program Files\7-zip
ECHO Ran on %date% at %time% > "%BaseDir%BatchErrors.txt
FOR /R "%BaseDir%%ComicDir%" %%G in (.) DO (
	Pushd %%G
	Echo now in %%G
        for %%F in (*.cbr *.rar *.cbz) do (
		ECHO %%F
		"%ZipDir%\7z" x "%%F" -o"%%F contents"
			REM check if 7z reported all OK
			REM LEVEL see's if >= #, have to do in backwards
			REM Can't do Zero first
		IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo ERROR %%F Failed in folder %%G >> "%BaseDir%BatchErrors.txt" 
			RMDIR "%%F contents" /S /Q ) ELSE (
			REM Does the directory exist? has 7zip created it correctly?
			IF EXIST "%%F contents" (
				REM Change directory, create zip of contents of directory...

				REM Deletes original file
				DEL /F "%%F"
				CD "%%F contents"
				REM for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /ad/s/b') do echo %%i
				REM remove banners 
				DEL /F /S /Q z*.*

				REM Delete Thumbnail files. 
				DEL /F /S /Q Thumbs.db
				REM compression level is 9 ultra
				"C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z" a -t7z "../%%~nF.cb7" * -mx9
				CD ..
				REM Delete the temporary extraction folder
				RMDIR "%%F contents" /S /Q
				ECHO Recompressed %%F to %%~nF.cb7)

Posts: 66
Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:10 pm

Re: Batch to remove scanner jpg (Updated 3-20-2015)

Post by Methanoid »

This is close to what I was looking for and asked my son to see if he could knock up.

Some suggestions for further improvement:

Add a config switch to allow user to select output format (CBZ,CBR,CB7)

Add a strip option to remove every non-JPG/JPEG/GIF/etc - to remove silly extras added by some people like URL shortcuts or even Thumbs.db

Process to root. What I mean is when the JPEG files are in a sub directory. Bring them to root before archiving. Some readers don't process sub directory archives well!

Option to rename files. I see lots of archives where someone has named each JPG image as XYZ-LONGNAME-Comic-page-0000001.jpeg which could as easily be "P0001.jpg"
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