Help needed for Multiple ISP and localhost issue

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Help needed for Multiple ISP and localhost issue

Post by leaderdog »

Hi! I'm hoping someone here may be able to help me.

I have two internet service providers 1 is slower because it carries tv, the other is just internet.

I can combine both easily enough with a program called inetfusion+ the download speed is drastically improved which is what I wanted, however localhost no longer is visible by the host computer. And that's my media server so the problem now becomes sabnzbd can't talk to mylar, sonarr or radarr. Which kind of defeats the purpose of having the internet connection speed increased.

If I double click sabnzbd in the system tray it pops up with an error because it can't find

I can't for the life of me find anything on the net to assist in having both isp's work with localhost and allow me to use all the programs.

Windows 7 is the server
server has two nics which allows inetfusion+ to combine them

Please if anyone can help, dumb it down for someone like me, networking tends to really mess with my head for some reason. It seems everything should just work, but it never does. ;)

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
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