How to use Reading Lists...

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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by Offspring »

Cool, thanks.
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by Offspring »

OK, updating it fixed the search and a couple of the other minor visual bugs I had seen. Now the question becomes, for some of the Story Arcs I added, I already have a few of the comics such as Original Sin but it's showing I have 0/81. Does it re-use the comics you already have, or does it re-download everything again?
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by evilhero »

Yup within the given arc page itself, you'll see a selection of buttons at the top.

Search for Watchlist matches: Clicking on this will force Mylar to search your entire watchlist for any issues that exist within the given story arc. If it finds any that are in a Downloaded / Wanted / Snatched / Archived status - it will mark it accordingly in the story arc screen. It's also during this phase that if you have the 'Copy watchlisted issues to StoryArc Directory' option enabled it will copy the issues to the specified Story Arc directory (which it should display where it is a few options above this on the same screen). It will also append the reading order # to the beginning of the filename if the option is enabled.

Search for Missing: Once you have done the option above (it should be done in sequence or else you'll end up getting possible duplicates, or run into similar types of problems), selecting this option will force Mylar to do an immediate 'force check' for any issues that are in a Wanted status (basically anything left over after the 'watchlist matches' option has been run and doesn't have a status of Downloaded / Snatched / Archived). It will then perform the normal downloading workflow that has been configured for the user (ie. sending to SAB, NZBget, Torrent) and perform the subsequent post-processing (renaming/meta-tagging/etc). Once the post-processing is done, it will store the file in the given series directory that matched on your watchlist, and put a copy of the finished file in the StoryArc directory.

The other 3 buttons aren't available as of yet and are just placeholders, but this is what my future expectations are for these:

Sync: Will send the file(s) in the story arc to another application or device (ie. tablet). It will take note of the issues it has sent, and subsequently will only send issues that haven't been sent previously. This will be either in a zip format (all files zipped together for easier transfer), or individually set.

Remove Read: If you have issues that are in Read Status it will remove them from the Issue Reading list tab. Useful if you mass binge and read an entire arc and you just want to not track the reading of the arc any longer, since you finished reading it.

Clear File Cache: Will clear the db of the status' pertaining to the Story Arc only (it won't touch the issues that can co-exist on your watchlist). Doing this will basically give you a clean slate to start from again if required without physically altering any filenames or having to reload the story arc again from a cbl / search mechanism.
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by Offspring »

For Edge of the Spider-Verse everytime I click "Search for Watchlist" I get "An error has occurred." When I look at the logs, the only thing that could possibly show that is this error: 2015-01-03 08:39:22 INFO int_issue = 32000 but that looks like it's informational, rather than an actual error.
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by evilhero »

Figured this out - was due to Mylar leaving out parsing the information from the first ComicID in the list of ID's it gets passed when trying to auto-populate the information from the story arc listing. The first ID in this case was the Amazing Spider-Man (2014) series - you can tell it messed it up if you ever see a series with a None for the Series Year when viewing the arc details ( ie. The Amazing Spider-Man (None) vs. The Amazing Spider-Man (2014) )

Nice catch! :)

This will be up in the next commit most likely - there's a whack of stuff that's all intertwined so I'm trying to piecemeal fixes inbetween (ie. modular db use [sqlite / postgresql], log locking fix for windows users, duplication checking based on filesize/filetype, and a whack of other stuff), so I'm trying to push some stuff out that doesn't end up breaking other things, which is why there's abit of a delay sometimes.
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by Yager »

I think i found a bug with this also.

I just tried to add the story arc "Identity Wars". This went fine and it showed all 3 eps as listed. When i clicked the check watchlist option it only downloaded the deadpool version but not the spiderman one. Both where already in the database correctly named and sorted. In the story arc screen it shows them all as having the proper year. I havent checked the hulk issue yet as i still have to add it to mylar itself.

ps. It would be nice if the story arcs would be visible on the home screen like the other comics.
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by ministoat »

Just something to add to your list- for some reason searching for the 'Axis' arc gives an error:

Code: Select all

     500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/share/Mylar/cherrypy/", line 645, in respond
    response.body = self.handler()
  File "/usr/local/share/Mylar/cherrypy/lib/", line 188, in __call__
    self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/share/Mylar/cherrypy/", line 29, in __call__
    return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/share/Mylar/mylar/", line 203, in searchit
    searchresults, explicit = mb.findComic(name, mode=None, issue=None, explicit='explicit', type='story_arc')
  File "/usr/local/share/Mylar/mylar/", line 271, in findComic
    'publisher':            xmlpub,
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'xmlpub' referenced before assignment
Powered by CherryPy 3.2.0        

The search doesn't cause an error if you add a space before or after, but either way there's no result. The comicvine url is
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by Offspring »

The Axis issue was already reported by me a couple days ago, and he had a fix he was working on internally that I'm not sure if it's been pushed yet or not. That said, I've found that even though it 500'd on me, I still saw Axis, Axis: Revolutions, Hobgoblin: Axis, etc. showing up in my library as a "to download".
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by evilhero »

ministoat wrote:Just something to add to your list- for some reason searching for the 'Axis' arc gives an error:

Code: Select all

     500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/share/Mylar/cherrypy/", line 645, in respond
    response.body = self.handler()
  File "/usr/local/share/Mylar/cherrypy/lib/", line 188, in __call__
    self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/share/Mylar/cherrypy/", line 29, in __call__
    return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/share/Mylar/mylar/", line 203, in searchit
    searchresults, explicit = mb.findComic(name, mode=None, issue=None, explicit='explicit', type='story_arc')
  File "/usr/local/share/Mylar/mylar/", line 271, in findComic
    'publisher':            xmlpub,
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'xmlpub' referenced before assignment
Powered by CherryPy 3.2.0        

The search doesn't cause an error if you add a space before or after, but either way there's no result. The comicvine url is
This should be fixed in the latest development commit, as it was unable to reference the publisher of the Axis arc because ComicVine failed to state it.
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by Tucker28 »

I have a question about reading lists. I have Blackest Night in the reading list manager, and a couple of issues are already there. All the rest of them are listed as wanted or snatched, most as wanted. However, I had downloaded the entire set some time ago. I have tagged them all with the ComicTagger GUI, both CR and CBL, and then dropped them into my watch folder, but they aren't being pulled into the library. Any idea how best to handle this?

Also, I see the option of putting all the issues in the story arc directory and that is perfect for the tie-ins for series that I don't normally want, but I don't want issues from my Green Lantern/Green Lantern Corps directories duplicated in the story arc directory. How best to handle this? If crossovers weren't that common, I would just use symbolic links in the story arcs directory and have the best of both worlds as the issue would be under the main titles, but I could access them through the story arc folder as well. But crossovers are frequent in the comic world and I would drive myself bonkers trying to keep up with those links.

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