How to use Reading Lists...

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How to use Reading Lists...

Post by evilhero »

Ok, so here's the breakdown on how to Import a .cbl Reading List that's from ComicRack into Mylar :)

You can make your own .cbl files as long as you keep the structure the same as it's just an .xml file :

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ReadingList xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <Name>Sinestro Corps War</Name>
    <Book Series="Sinestro Corps Special" Number="1" Volume="2007" Year="2007">
  <Matchers />
So Obviously the <Name> is the name of the StoryArc which is a requirement.

Under Book, the <Series> ( Comic Name ), <Number> (Issue #), <Volume> (Comic Series Year), <Year> (Issue Year) are all requirements as well. The more information you give that's accurate the better chance you'll have of being able to actually find the series when doing filechecks and searches.

the <Id> field is completely optional. It's not used by Mylar at all, but it is used by ComicRack - so it's completely optional as it doesn't hurt the import process at all.

**The order that you give in the file is the order that it will be imported in sequentially. So in the example above, Sinestro Corps Special #1 V2007 (2007) would be stated as being in Reading Order #1**

I'll be adding in some ReadingLists that I've imported (and am currently using) so that others can use them if they so need.

(More instructions to follow...)
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by xvse »

I started using Mylar two weeks ago, after i started using Comic Rack, trying to make order in all my digital comics folders (80% of all are copies of my original comics archivied at my parent's house, 200km away).

I'm still trying to understand how to integrate Comic Rack and Mylar. Can someone make some examples ?
For now i'm downloading comics through Kickass torrent (still desperately seeking an invite to CBT) to a folder called 0day, where ComicRack (using the Organizer strategy) seeks for new comics.
The problem is how to seek missing numbers in CR through Mylar. Maybe i need to understand better this CBL thing.

Thanks for Mylar!
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by rudyvarner »

Is there a place that we can get CBL reading lists that people have created and shared? (i.e. torrent sites, forums etc.)
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by rudyvarner »

I am guessing your Reading List/StoryArc funnctions are quite Alpha. I was testing it and most everything results in the following type of messages. :) I look forward to this function once it gets polished.

Code: Select all

500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\mylar\cherrypy\", line 645, in respond
    response.body = self.handler()
  File "C:\mylar\cherrypy\lib\", line 188, in __call__
    self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\mylar\cherrypy\", line 29, in __call__
    return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "C:\mylar\mylar\", line 199, in searchit
    searchresults, explicit = mb.findComic(name, mode, issue=None, storyarc='yes')
TypeError: findComic() got an unexpected keyword argument 'storyarc'
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by evilhero »

Well, it does work - just not the function you're trying to use. The Search option for Story-Arcs isn't operational as of yet (at the time, story-arc searching wasn't as easily done as it should be now), so I haven't revisited it since then (last year).

If, however you have a .cbl file (used in ComicRack), and import it via the Import button on that same screen - it will work ;) I've used it to track Planet Hulk, Civil War, Flashpoint etc, and it works fairly well. There are some matching issues that need to get taken care of, but for the most part - it will detect issues that exist in your watchlist, and search for ones that don't exist. It will also copy said issues into the story arc's own directory so that it's easily manageable (as well as appending the reading order # to the beginning of the file - for those that like to see the numbering).

If you have any problems using it, the more feedback I get with logs and such related to the problems, the easier I can try to fix them so that it's a more reliable tool to use in the arsenal ;)
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by rudyvarner »

Okay, just as a test I tried to import c:\temp\Avengers Vs X-Men.cbl and got this error. Do I have a python dependency missing or is this due to a bad CBL or user error? Also, you might want to add CherryPy to your PreReqs for Mylar. I don't recall seeing it and I only have it installed because of also using Sick Beard. Until I received these errors I never knew Mylar needed it.

Code: Select all

404 Not Found

Missing parameters: read2filename

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\mylar\cherrypy\", line 645, in respond
    response.body = self.handler()
  File "C:\mylar\cherrypy\lib\", line 188, in __call__
    self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\mylar\cherrypy\", line 35, in __call__
    raise sys.exc_info()[1]
HTTPError: (404, 'Missing parameters: read2filename')
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by evilhero »

rudyvarner wrote:Okay, just as a test I tried to import c:\temp\Avengers Vs X-Men.cbl and got this error. Do I have a python dependency missing or is this due to a bad CBL or user error? Also, you might want to add CherryPy to your PreReqs for Mylar. I don't recall seeing it and I only have it installed because of also using Sick Beard. Until I received these errors I never knew Mylar needed it.

Code: Select all

404 Not Found

Missing parameters: read2filename

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\mylar\cherrypy\", line 645, in respond
    response.body = self.handler()
  File "C:\mylar\cherrypy\lib\", line 188, in __call__
    self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\mylar\cherrypy\", line 35, in __call__
    raise sys.exc_info()[1]
HTTPError: (404, 'Missing parameters: read2filename')
Powered by CherryPy 3.2.0
Good point about the dependencies - I'll have to update the to reflect the requirements (optional ones as well).

The error is actually due to not having a variable initialized (read2filename is the variable that controls whether or not it appends the reading order # to the start of the filename - just the story arc copy, not the original in the series directory if they exist). Can you tell me what you were doing when you got the error ? Also in your config.ini you should have 2 variables (read2filename and storyarcdir) - can you let me know what values they are ? or if they exist in your config.ini even ?
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by rudyvarner »

I was trying to import a CBL file. It initially ready the file and when I hit update that is the error I got. And both of those settings are set to 0. Should storyarcdir = my storyarc folder? (ie. storyarcdir = g:\comics\storyarcs)
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by evilhero »

Story arc directory should get auto-populated by default if I recall correctly - but the 0/1 just denotes enabling or disabling it respectively. If the storyarcdir is enabled, then it uses your Comic Location as the base and uses 'StoryArcs' (so if your comic location is set to : '/mnt/Comics' then the storyarc dir is '/mnt/Comics/StoryArcs'.

Try running Mylar in interactive mode (shell), and then importing the cbl again. You should see text fly by the screen indicating the issues it's importing into the story arc table, and if there's any error it will show in there (it should also display in the log file). I just tried doing a few cbl's on my end with varying 0/1 combinations of those two variables above and didn't hit any snag or any error similar to what you're getting :(

Can you paste the cbl - or drop it somewhere so I can try and grab it to see if it's something amiss with that particular cbl ?
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Re: How to use Reading Lists...

Post by ministoat »

Just noticed this feature - cool!

The ComicRack forum has a lot of reading lists -
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