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Linux Mint vs Windows install (opinion request)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:02 pm
by dcow36
While I have been loving mylar3, I have run into a number of problems that have led me to this forum as well as endless googling. I'm currently running on windows 10 but I recently set up a Linux mint dual boot on my system (at a friend's insistence). While I am extremely inexperienced with Linux, would it be advantageous to remove mylar3 from Windows and reinstall it in Linux. As my Linux install can access all my windows files it should be able to "see" and read all of my book files (right...?)

Is this possible? Would this set up work better overall or would my inexperience with Linux be too big of a hurdle? I gather that Linux and python get along better than windows so it seems like it would all go smoothly, but would the set up be a nightmare?
Just looking for some opinions so I can be informed before I attempt something that might *really* screw me up

(Apologies if this is post isn't in the right area)