(Publisher) Week pack support?

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(Publisher) Week pack support?

Post by senorsmartypants »

Does mylar support pulling issues from weekly publisher bundled torrents?
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Re: (Publisher) Week pack support?

Post by evilhero »

No, aside from DDL - only individual issues at this point in time.

Packs are notoriously misnamed (torrent packs even more so) and what's within the pack make it hard to automate with any degree of accuracy - since the information about the files within the pack (the filenames themselves mainly) aren't readily available from search query results. If there were some standardised naming for packs, it would make automation much easier to support.

If you download the pack and set the folder monitor / manual post-processor on that folder, it would only post-process files that exist on your watchlist, but atm at least, that's about as close as it gets.
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