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Separate Move/Copy post-processing options by download type

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:54 pm
by senorsmartypants
I post-process my downloads and I copy the files, so I can keep seeding untouched torrents. But sometimes Mylar also grabs things from DDL and I don't need to keep a copy of those in cache.

I propose having separate move/copy options DDL, torrents, and usenet.

Then I could set DDL to move, torrents to copy.


Re: Separate Move/Copy post-processing options by download type

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:21 am
by evilhero
It's possible - but unsure of timeline as our hands are tied in other things than enhancements atm.

If you could make an issue on github for the request, it would help in making sure we don't lose sight of the request (since we tend not to really monitor the forums for enhancements unless we specifically remember to).