Enhancement compliments

Enhancement requests or feature requests for future Mylar releases.
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Joined: Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:25 am

Enhancement compliments

Post by capGrundy »

Wasn't sure where to post this, but just wanted to say there's been a couple of enhancements of late I've really enjoyed.

One felt like a overdue fix, and that was being able to click on a title name after adding it to get to the settings. I used to have to hit search and then add to do the same, and it's nicely streamlined now.

I also like having the versions next to the name. Thanks for that.

One fix to that, though. On a few occasions, adding the new version adds an old one. I've seen this most recently with the new versions of Captain Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy (showing and adding the 2017 run).
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