Scanning/releasing group names and invididual members as tags?

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Scanning/releasing group names and invididual members as tags?

Post by Zefrem23 »

Most of my comics come from DC++ hubs, direct from the releasing groups themselves. The main hubs I frequent mainly have Empire digital releases, and I'd say 90%+ of the files contain the group and member in the filename, eg.

The Super Fun Happy Animal Deathmatch v3 007 (2011) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr

When the file's renamed by Mylar it's just

The Super Fun Happy Animal Deathmatch 007 (2011).cbr

To me this seems like a loss of information. It would be incredibly useful if the file scanner algo could pick up the release type (scanned / digital) and the group/member (Empire / Zone).

I could work up a list of the known variations of the groups and member names if that would help at all, if you see any utility in pursuing this as a feature.
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