Remove torrents after seeding complete

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Remove torrents after seeding complete

Post by senorsmartypants »

I didn't see anyway to do this in the web interface. Please correct me if there is a way.

I use transmission to download the torrents mylar finds. After the torrent is finished seeding I'd like mylar to remove the torrent from transmission. Other programs like mylar (sonarr,radarr, etc) do this. I think it would be a nice addition to the functionality.

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Re: Remove torrents after seeding complete

Post by evilhero »

Don't see this happening easily to be honest.

Right now Mylar just sends the torrent to the client and that's it. What happens in the client should be controlled via the client (ie. assign a label that has a ratio-group enforced that will delete upon seeding to 1.0 or something).

The main problem in doing this type of stuff is that if monitoring is done for one client, then it has to be done for all of them - and then it has to be supported. I only use one torrent client regularly, so being able to support and work with a handful of other clients with varying degrees of success is a big challenge to undertake.

Not saying it won't happen, but given the above and the amount of time these things take I don't forsee it happening soon unless people want to submit PR's for the specific clients.
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Re: Remove torrents after seeding complete

Post by senorsmartypants »

Ok. I thought there was already some monitoring going on because mylar does the post processing. It'd be a great feature to have, but it won't kill me to delete them manually.

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