Graphic Novels

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Graphic Novels

Post by leaderdog »

Hi Evilhero,

Just curious if it is possible to do something with graphic novels. For the most part it seems Mylar can't detect it since it is looking for an issue number and the graphic novels often are just the title name and date.

For example:

Beasts of Burden - What the Cat Dragged In (2016) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr

1) Regular Mylar search couldn't find it:
2) Manual Search (magnify glass) didn't find it
3) Manual search in 'Manage' couldn't find it
4) I changed the name to Beasts of Burden - What the Cat Dragged In -001 (2016) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr and it didn't find it (was surprised it didn't work)
5) I changed the name to Beasts of Burden - What the Cat Dragged In - 001 (2016) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr (added the space between the - and 001) and it found it and moved it over as seen in the code below.

Code: Select all

2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING] Manual post-processing completed for 1 issues.
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING] Post-Processing completed for: Beasts of Burden: What The Cat Dragged In issue: 1
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING][FILE-RESCAN] I have physically found 1 issues, ignored 0 issues, snatched 0 issues, and accounted for 0 in an Archived state [ Total Issue Count: 1 / 1 ]
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING][FILE-RESCAN] Total files located: 1
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	there are 0 files.
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING][FILE-RESCAN] Now checking files for Beasts of Burden: What The Cat Dragged In (2016) in :Beasts of Burden What The Cat Dragged In (2016)
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	loopchk: [u'BeastsofBurden|What|CatDraggedIn']
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	Series_Name: beasts of burden what the cat dragged in --- WatchComic: beasts of burden: what the cat dragged in
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	[FILENAME]: Beasts of Burden What The Cat Dragged In - 001.cbr
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	there are 1 files.
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING][FILE-RESCAN] Now checking files for Beasts of Burden: What The Cat Dragged In (2016) in H:\Dark Horse Comics\Beasts of Burden What The Cat Dragged In (2016)
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING][UPDATER] Updating Status (Post-Processed) now complete for Beasts of Burden: What The Cat Dragged In issue: 1
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING][UPDATER] Setting status to Post-Processed in history.
2016-06-11 08:39:49	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING] move successful to : H:\Dark Horse Comics\Beasts of Burden What The Cat Dragged In (2016)\Beasts of Burden What The Cat Dragged In - 001.cbr
2016-06-11 08:39:48	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING][DIRECTORY-CHECK] Found comic directory: H:\Dark Horse Comics\Beasts of Burden What The Cat Dragged In (2016)
2016-06-11 08:39:48	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING] [1/1] Starting Post-Processing for Beasts of Burden: What The Cat Dragged In issue: 1
2016-06-11 08:39:48	INFO	[DUPECHECK] Duplication detection returned no hits. This is not a duplicate of anything that I have scanned in as of yet.
2016-06-11 08:39:48	INFO	[DUPECHECK] Duplicate check for L:\Complete\Beasts of Burden - What the Cat Dragged In - 001 (2016) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr
Now what I'm curious about is:

a) does Mylar know it's a graphic novel from comic vine? I don't know how comic vine marks these or if they do.
b) is there a way to tell mylar to ignore issue number assigned by Mylar and or Comic vine and match the name and date? It can give it a number once moved over if needed. But most graphic novels are single issues so as long as the name and the date are matched it should be fine.

Mylar could make the assumption that it's a graphic novel if no issue number is present during the search in the file name. Then treat it as a single issue book. Seeing as only graphic novels, some tpb and the odd one shot would be absent an issue number.

Hoping something like this is possible.

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Re: Graphic Novels

Post by evilhero »

leaderdog wrote: 4) I changed the name to Beasts of Burden - What the Cat Dragged In -001 (2016) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr and it didn't find it (was surprised it didn't work)
5) I changed the name to Beasts of Burden - What the Cat Dragged In - 001 (2016) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr (added the space between the - and 001) and it found it and moved it over as seen in the code below.
The reason why it didn't see if the first time, is that with a digit is preceded by a negative symbol (which is what the dash would represent when it's 'attached' to a digit), Mylar assumes that the issue number is actually '-001'. When you included the space between the '-' and the actual issue number, Mylar then assumes the dash is just some parsing crap (ha), and ignores the dash, and handles the issue number as it should '001'.

a) does Mylar know it's a graphic novel from comic vine? I don't know how comic vine marks these or if they do.
No Mylar has no way of knowing that it's a graphic novel from CV as they don't specifically designate any series as being that (unless the description is parsed, which Mylar does to a certain degree, but not to see if it's a GN, TPB, COMP, etc).
b) is there a way to tell mylar to ignore issue number assigned by Mylar and or Comic vine and match the name and date? It can give it a number once moved over if needed. But most graphic novels are single issues so as long as the name and the date are matched it should be fine.
Well, it's a possibility - the only problem is that the issue number is a constraint in A LOT of places within Mylar. Meaning basically that if the Issue Number isn't present, Mylar won't even look at it. Now with the new file checker that went live into development a month or so ago, it allows for some leeway in how Mylar handles these types of situations, so there's always a possibility. It would just require a pretty big change to the code base in order to accommodate it - everything from the add series/importer to the post-processor and search. It has been something I've been considering for awhile, but something has always come up that's detracted my attention away from starting the process.

Once I finish with some other items that are taking alot of my attention atm (new pull-list site, revamping the CV api usage, upgrading the search), I'll see about looking into it and what might be involved. If I were to pick a timeframe, I would say maybe by summer's end I should be able to get something out (just an estimate though, so try not to hold me to that too much).
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Re: Graphic Novels

Post by ebbnflow »

While this seems nice... it is a whole bunch of unnecessary hoops to jump through to get mylar to recognize something. Why not just have a button next to the issue to "locate on disk". Then, it's 100% positive what the user wants and then mylar can rename it to what mylar wants and we don't have to trial and error the name. I know that automating is ultimately the solution but in the interim, can we just have a button to 'locate and link (/rename etc) ?

I've been at trial and error for Injustice Gods Among Us - 001 - Year One - The Complete Collection v1 (2016) for about two hours now and still can't get mylar to 'see' it locally.

2019-01-14 21:04:47 INFO [POST-PROCESSING] No matches for Manual Run ... exiting.
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG [POST-PROCESSING] There are 0 files found that match on your watchlist, 0 files are considered one-off's, and 1 files do not match anything
2019-01-14 21:04:47 INFO [POST-PROCESSING] Alternate series naming detected: Injustice Gods Among Us v1 001 - Year One - The Complete Collection
2019-01-14 21:04:47 INFO I have located 1 files that I should be able to post-process. Continuing...
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG Alternate series / issue title: Injustice Gods Among Us v1 001 - Year One - The Complete Collection [v1 001 - Year One - The Complete Collection]
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG [SPLITVALUE] possible issue title: v1 001 - Year One - The Complete Collection
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG series title possibly: Injustice Gods Among Us
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG sf_highest_series_pos: ['Injustice', 'Gods', 'Among', 'Us']
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG There are 10 extra words between the issue # and the year position. Deciphering if issue title or part of series title.
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG Volume detected as : v1
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG new split: ['Injustice', 'Gods', 'Among', 'Us', '-', 'v1', '001', '-', 'Year', 'One', '-', 'The', 'Complete', 'Collection', '(2016)']
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG Extra item(s) are present between the volume label and the issue number. Checking..
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG issue verified as : 001
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG issue_position: 5
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 5, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '001', 'mod_position': 26}]
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG highest_series_position: 14
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG year verified as: 2016
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG year verified as : 2016
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG sctd: 2019
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG datecheck: [{'date': '2016', 'position': 14, 'mod_position': 70}]
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG date: 2016
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG checking date : 2016
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG volume label detected as : Volume 1 @ position: 13
2019-01-14 21:04:47 DEBUG [FILENAME]: Injustice Gods Among Us - 001 - Year One - The Complete Collection v1 (2016).cbr
2019-01-14 21:04:47 INFO there are 1 files.
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Re: Graphic Novels

Post by barbequesauce »

If you’ve updated dev in the last few days or master in the last 24 hours - TPB & GN support has arrived!

The “trick” is that it is parsing CV to understand if a given CVid is a TPB or GN. Of course, we are talking about regex-based parsing, so there will be mistakes... on the series settings tab you can overwrite the CV-derived edition type with the opposite (ie if CV is parsed as TPB, the series page will show edition as TPB and you can override it on the series setting tab with”force print”; if it’s parsed as a series you can invert it as a TPB).

Update and give it a try; if it blows up, grab a debug log and post an issue on GitHub!
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Re: Graphic Novels

Post by evilhero »

ebbnflow wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:07 am While this seems nice... it is a whole bunch of unnecessary hoops to jump through to get mylar to recognize something. Why not just have a button next to the issue to "locate on disk". Then, it's 100% positive what the user wants and then mylar can rename it to what mylar wants and we don't have to trial and error the name. I know that automating is ultimately the solution but in the interim, can we just have a button to 'locate and link (/rename etc) ?
This just isn't gonna happen right now. If we have to make extra steps just to get Mylar to recognise a file, then it has to do that everytime it encounters a file like that - which could be hundreds. Creating a button to 'locate and link' isn't just slapping a button with some cut & paste code and calling it a day - we're talking about a few weeks worth of work for doing this one thing as it would impact everything from the file checker to the post-processor to the searcher (since they all use the same parser now). What with the TPB/GN support just being added, adding in something like a button to manually match stuff would be extremely time consuming as far as testing and support, both of which don't pay the bills unfortunately (actually none of this does, but you get the gist I'm sure). Not saying no - but definitely not atm.
I've been at trial and error for Injustice Gods Among Us - 001 - Year One - The Complete Collection v1 (2016) for about two hours now and still can't get mylar to 'see' it locally.
You cannot break up a series title with an issue number placed arbitrarily in the middle of the series title. The series title is Injustice Gods Among Us - Year One - The Complete Collection. Adding a 001 in the middle makes Mylar think it's either part of the series title (cause yeah there are series like that), or it's something entirely different.

I just added that particular series, with a filename of Injustice Gods Among Us - Year One - The Complete Collection (2016).cbr and it picked it up first try. All of these also worked:
  • Injustice Gods Among Us - Year One - The Complete Collection v1 (2016).cbr
  • Injustice Gods Among Us - Year One - The Complete Collection 001 (2016).cbr
  • Injustice Gods Among Us - Year One - The Complete Collection v1 001 (2016).cbr
Like sir barbequesauce said, TPB/GN support was just added over the course of the last month or so into Development, and as of today into Master branch. We've been trying to hammer out bugs and details during that time and have most of them worked out, but again, things aren't going to be perfect unless we hear from the users that things are broken in some regards to the TPB/GN stuff. Keep in mind, that In order for Mylar to recognise that it is not supposed to be expecting an issue number when it scans files, the Edition has to be set to 'TPB' (or even 'One-Shot' although that cannot be set manually unlike forcing a series to be considered a TPB/GN).
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Re: Graphic Novels

Post by ebbnflow »

Last night just after I posted I did try "Injustice Gods Among Us - Year One - The Complete Collection 001 (2016).cbr" and it worked! :D
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Re: Graphic Novels

Post by barbequesauce »

Great to hear!
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