Marvel INH and Others Not Recognized

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Marvel INH and Others Not Recognized

Post by Ghozt »

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm not doing something in general but I can't for the life of me get the new marvel issues with the .INH release name or the .NOW name to be recognized by mylar that its been downloaded. When rechecking the files it only states that there are 14 issues there with one being put into archived but when I look at the directory the 15th issue (015.INH) is there. There are also an issue I'm having with the transformers: robots in disguise and transformers: more than meets the eye annual issues not being recognized that they've been downloaded but are there in the directory. Any help or understanding on this would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Marvel INH and Others Not Recognized

Post by evilhero »

With the .INH and .NOW issues you need to be aware of the discrepancies that exist between what ComicVine says (where Mylar pulls it's issue data from) and what is being posted to usenet / torrents. ComicVine might list an issue as being 15.INH, and that will show in Mylar - but it's being posted in some cases to both torrents and newsgroups as just 15 with no .INH.

Now that being said, I did have it working on my local repo but didn't push up the changes. Unfortunately, after the last commit (and also merge of development to master), it hammered all my changes that wasn't committed and I lost 2 weeks of work and bugfixes / improvements. So right now, I'm trying to figure out what was fixed vs. not fixed and try to get back to the point where it was at (and working). The .INH/.NOW portion I believe was one of those fixes that wasn't pushed and was lost. My time over the next week is pretty slim what with the holidays and all, but I'm hoping to push out a bunch of 'lost' fixes over the course of the week in order to address these and other issues.

As far as the annuals, you need to make sure that you have annuals enabled in the config.ini (annuals_on = 1). Make sure you shutdown Mylar prior to editing the config.ini and when you start it up make sure you refresh the given series (what this does is force mylar to reload all the issue data, and with annuals turned 'on' it will load the annuals as well). Once that's done, you should see the Annuals section appear at the bottom of the comic details screen and will subsequently be picked up in the file rechecks :)
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