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Story Arc Matching

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 12:21 am
by burnshroom
I am baby-stepping my way through Mylar. Trying to get a consistent and reliable routine down to manage my comics. I like (nearly love) the Story Arc function. I assume it finds the arcs via Comicvine and then fills the issues based on your existing library and the rest through search and find. Thus far it has been touch and go for me as it doesn't seem to find many (if any) single issues. And not to be critical, because Mylar still does a damn good job for the most part.

One story arc I am trying to fill is Batman - Court of Owls and Night of the Owls from the early run of the New 52 Batman titles.

Initially Mylar finds all the correct issues as they are in my library and the Mylar DB. However when I come back it seems to have changed the Batman issues to those of the 1940 Batman.


Curious if there was anyway to look at the DB to see I can manually fix this.

I tried the option of adding a manual cbl of the series but it doesn't match.


Re: Story Arc Matching

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 1:48 am
by evilhero
You're running the master branch it looks like, and there have been a ton of fixes/patches/improvements to the arcs done in the development branch that haven't made it into the master as of yet.

Your problems with the arc matching is probably down to the fact that there are I think 3 volumes of batman now, and the court of owls is in the v2 - but I'm betting your filenames don't have the v2 within it at all (I'm guessing they're not named just 'Batman 1.cbr' kinda thing) and mylar is assuming because of no definitive volume provided in the filename it uses v1. It's supposed to check the issue date as well in those cases to make sure the issue years match up, so I'm at a loss at to why that's matching it positive at this point aside from the possibility that it's already been fixed in the dev branch.

I wouldn't try the cbl loading either - it's been broken for awhile due to some significant changes in how mylar populates the arcs and because of it, it cannot accommodate the cbl usage. I do plan on readding it in soon, as well as being able to export cbl, creating custom reading lists etc (but I digress)...

Can you confirm what you have the files named as that are in the arc directory or in the series folder it's pulling the issues from?

Re: Story Arc Matching

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 2:01 am
by burnshroom
Verified issues do include year/volume info:



But also I AM on the master... but thought i was on dev...

How would I change this via commandline (git CL)?


Re: Story Arc Matching

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 2:08 am
by evilhero
Switching branches is pretty painless if you did it via git.

- First, shutdown mylar.
- Then do a 'git pull' from the cli
- Followed by a 'git checkout development'
- Then before you start it up - edit the config.ini and change the value for git_branch from master to development.
- Save the config.ini.
- Start up mylar and you should be up to date and on the dev branch.

If there are any errors during the git pull sequence, usually it's due to customization. Easiest thing is to delete the offending file(s) it mentions and do the git pull command again until it says it updated.

Re: Story Arc Matching

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 2:14 am
by burnshroom
Thank you sir.

I will mess around with this and I appreciate you taking time to assist.

Re: Story Arc Matching

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:47 pm
by burnshroom
Update to development branch and see new features like history and somewhat better handing of Manual Post-Processing. But alas, still having same issue with these Batman titles when arcs involve the new 52 Batman. Haven't tried any Superman/Action arcs to see if it's more widespread.

Also... this error keeps popping up. Any ideas?

Code: Select all

24-May-2017 15:17:44 - ERROR   :: Thread-16 : Uncaught exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "F:\mylar\mylar\", line 158, in new_run
    old_run(*args, **kwargs)
  File "D:\win10\Python27\lib\", line 763, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "F:\mylar\mylar\", line 1460, in queueissue
    foundcom, prov = search.search_init(ComicName, ComicIssue, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, issues['IssueDate'], storedate, IssueID, AlternateSearch, UseAFuzzy, ComicVersion, mode=mode, ComicID=ComicID, manualsearch=manualsearch, filesafe=ComicName_Filesafe, allow_packs=AllowPacks)
  File "F:\mylar\mylar\", line 260, in search_init
    findit = NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDate, StoreDate, searchprov, send_prov_count, IssDateFix, IssueID, UseFuzzy, newznab_host, ComicVersion=ComicVersion, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, RSS="no", ComicID=ComicID, issuetitle=issuetitle, unaltered_ComicName=unaltered_ComicName, allow_packs=allow_packs)
  File "F:\mylar\mylar\", line 1609, in NZB_SEARCH
    searchresult = searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, entry['link'], IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, newznab=newznab_host)
  File "F:\mylar\mylar\", line 2246, in searcher
    rcheck = rsscheck.torsend2client(ComicName, IssueNumber, comyear, link, nzbprov)
  File "F:\mylar\mylar\", line 1012, in torsend2client
    torrent_info['clientmode'] = 'utorrent'
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

Re: Story Arc Matching

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 8:26 pm
by evilhero
Weird, the utorrent error is indicating that it's returning a string object, when it should be something else. I'm pretty sure that utorrent doesn't return all the necessary information that Mylar is expecting, so I'll to do a quick revamp of some stuff just to get it to pass thru. As long as you're not having Mylar run an onsnatch script, you shouldn't have any problems with the patch for that.

I'll try and get something out later today to fix this (sorry for the delayed response, didn't even realize this was posted and got no notification for some reason)