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help setting up mylar ?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:05 am
by cojoMan
I've set up mylar and sabnzbd using the tutorial with screnshots - and using OZnzb as an indexer...
I am getting results by string searching "Rat Queens" for example directly on website...I have them added on my wanted list on mylar + on OZnzb upper right says 92/500 API requests, so the request strings come through to the site, but no auto download happens.

I can manually dld a NZB file and add it to SABnzb and I did the integration from the online tutorial I found online here : ... et-comics/

But now I am stuck...
Anyone having mylar running and working fine willing to lend a hand ?

thanks !

Re: help setting up mylar ?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:23 am
by cojoMan
after a few restarts and tinkering, something started moving, and it's alive !
unfortunately, 4 out of 5 download are corrupted, and cannot open the .cbr files - is this common ?
I have no idea on what to look for - does mylar or sabnzbd do a checksum ? can I repair the downloads, or redownload ?

please help ! :)

Re: help setting up mylar ?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 7:21 pm
by evilhero
cojoMan wrote:after a few restarts and tinkering, something started moving, and it's alive !
unfortunately, 4 out of 5 download are corrupted, and cannot open the .cbr files - is this common ?
I have no idea on what to look for - does mylar or sabnzbd do a checksum ? can I repair the downloads, or redownload ?
If you have Failed Download Handling enabled within Mylar, as well as Retry on Failed Downloads Mylar will attempt to retry the download if it cannot process it properly ( or it receives an incomplete result from sab/nzbget ). If you also have Metatagging enabled, Mylar will test each cbr when it goes to extract the cbr for conversion. If it fails during this process, it marks it as a 'Failed' download, and will retry a different download.

It could also very well be your newsgroup provider might not have a far enough retention to still have those particular files, so when you go to download them they would be invalid/incomplete.

Re: help setting up mylar ?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:55 pm
by cojoMan
Hi, @evilhero,
and thanks for all your work :)

I did that, and it worked - or I thought it did, for 1x file, for none of the rest though (next 30+ dlds)

Some of the errors said received zero sized nzb, so I figured, since I had a trial OZnzb account, hey, I went over my quota, so maybe this is denial of service on account that I went over my 5 dlds per day, though my api calls were going through,,, So I went ahead and upgraded to VIP so now I have 100 dlds per day. But that wasn't it either, as I tried this morning before work the same search strings, the same dlds, and they all failed.

While waiting for the VIP confirmation last night, I searched some more and found info on what block accounts are and why they are useful. I didn't know about them, so I digged deeped. (I am on astraweb btw...) When this morning after the VIP confirmation, the 100 dlds per, didn't fix my issue, I pulled the trigger on a 5Gb block account from blocknews, added it to sabnzb, and set it to optional, with priority 13 instead of the default 0... I saw traffic coming through as packages were being dlded, on astraweb, and lower on the block account, but regardless of the comic issue, they all failed :(
I have the settings you mentioned in the post above in mylar checked, and also I have repair, test, and all the others set up in sabnzb that would do similar stuff..(setup to best of my knowledge.)

So what now? I thought I need yet other block accounts, etc?
So first, I added ALL the astraweb servers, EU, all SSL ones (at the time, and now, I only had the us-astraweb, non ssl enabled), and after adding them, setting them to optional, and SUCCESFULLY testing them in the sabnzb settings, I tried again...but the surprise was that even though in the sabnzb interface "test connection" was succesfull, on incoming packages, the same error occurred, stating the new added, non us servers, had failed connecting/wrong username/password...

As a last resort, and without even thinking why, I went to the OZnzb indexer, and manually dlded the failing nzbs...and without fail, each and every one of them downloaded correctly, first try.
I am baffled - I mean, sure I can do it like this, but the whole point of trying to setup mylar, block account, sabnzb settings etc, would be moot...

Any kind of idea on how to fix this, from what I said above ?...

Re: help setting up mylar ?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:12 pm
by evilhero
Ok, let's try and attack this from both sides.

Unless something recently changed in the OZnzb api, if you set it up in Mylar as a newznab provider it should work as expected. I have a feeling you're possibly doing an RSS Force Search (Configuration tab / Search Providers / Force RSS Search) instead of an RSS+API search. The difference would be huge if so. RSS just checks the rss feed for the given provider for new releases every 20 minutes - if it's not in the list, then Mylar can't grab it but it does cache the results,so the longer you leave Mylar running the more of a 'cache' you have to pull from without actually using any API hits or strain on the indexer. The problem is that if you want something from last year, you're not going to find it doing just RSS searches, because it only tracks new issues going forward. So that's where the API search comes in and it does a backlog search against the provider for the given issues. This API search only fires off when you click on the Wanted tab/Force Check, or when you use the Magnifying Glass icon on the series detail page, or every 6 hrs as that's the regular search interval (setting it to less might get you into trouble with some providers).

Why don't you tell me a few of the issues that you're searching for and I can test it on my end as well (just to ensure that Mylar can parse the nzb name properly). Alot of times, things aren't properly named on usenet (especially comics it seems), so in some cases, even though the item exists on OZ - if Mylar is unable to parse the title properly it will ignore the result.

Now the other step - you need to enable verbose logging within Mylar. With Mylar running, go into the Logs tab and select the button in the upper right labeleld as Verbose and enable it. You should see a message almost immediately (refresh the screen if you don't see it) that indicates that you're logging is set to debugging. Then, go to the series page for one of the particular issues you're looking for and click on the Magnifying Glass icon beside the relevant issue you want to download. The Magnifying Glass icon submits an immediate search for the given issue, but doesn't mark it as Wanted state (so it's basically a one-off search).

Once I can see the log, I might be able to figure out what's going on with your configuration/setup.

Re: help setting up mylar ?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:45 pm
by cojoMan
thanks for the fast reply !
I am at work at the moment, with no acces to my home computer, but will provide the log as soon as I get home.

as far as string search goes - I was looking for "Rat Queens" - the series I was reading at the time, because it is somewhat recent, and it does not have too many numbers (only 14).
I distinctly remember repeated fails , for sure, on issue 6, 8, 10, 14, if you want to cross check - there are others that failed, but not at my station right now so I cannot confirm which ones...
Again, manually search and dld from the indexer worked great, on first try...

Might be worth mentioning that basically in my "wanted" tab the issues appeared red for wanted, then after failed dlds, they apear...teal ? So before each test, I went back to the main page of the comic, selected the failed numbers again, and set them to wanted, just in case they were being skipped and assumed downloaded, then clicked force check, they now being red...

I disabled the run at startup script, and always started mylar from the terminal, as I wanted to see verbose messages as well in it, to see if there was any search in progress...
Couldn't make much head or tails of the search messages until now, but the words RSS appeared multiple times...

Will update later today with the logs, thanks again !

Re: help setting up mylar ?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:58 pm
by evilhero

Code: Select all

18-Apr-2016 13:47:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : Initiating Search via : api
18-Apr-2016 13:47:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : using Newznab host of : OzNzb
18-Apr-2016 13:47:25 - INFO :: Thread-12 : Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for Rat Queens issue: 8 (2014) using OzNzb (newznab)
18-Apr-2016 13:47:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : calpha/cnumber: None / None
18-Apr-2016 13:47:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : RSS Check: None
18-Apr-2016 13:47:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : nzbprov: newznab
18-Apr-2016 13:47:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : comicid: 67680
18-Apr-2016 13:47:25 - INFO :: Thread-12 : pausing for 60 seconds before continuing to avoid hammering
18-Apr-2016 13:48:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : [SSL: True] Search URL:
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : checking search result: Rat Queens 008 (2014) (Digital-Empire)
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : sub:Rat Queens 008 (2014) (Digital-Empire)
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : size given as: 40.2 MB
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : comparing Min threshold 10485760 .. to .. nzb 42152819
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : Thu, 02 Oct 2014 14:37:38 +1000 is after store date of 2014-10-01
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : Match to series : 100.0 %.
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : it's a go captain... - we matched 100.0%!
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : this should be a match!
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : issue we are looking for is : 8
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : integer value of issue we are looking for : 8000
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : issue we found for is : 008
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : integer value of issue we have found : 8000
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : [SEARCHER] entry[title]: Rat Queens 008 (2014) (Digital-Empire)
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : [SEARCHER] nzbname (remove chars): Rat Queens 008  2014   Digital-Empire
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : [SEARCHER] nzbname (\s): Rat Queens 008 2014 Digital-Empire
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : [SEARCHER] end nzbname: Rat.Queens.008.2014.Digital-Empire
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : nzbname used for post-processing:Rat.Queens.008.2014.Digital-Empire
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : [newznab] link:
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : payload:{'apikey': 'REDACTED', 't': 'get', 'id': '1308aa08b369f5ecaff1db4780a7562b'}
18-Apr-2016 13:48:27 - INFO :: Thread-12 : Download URL: [VerifySSL:True]
18-Apr-2016 13:48:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : [FILENAME] filename (remove chars): Rat Queens 008  2014   Digital-Empire
18-Apr-2016 13:48:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : [FILENAME] nzbname (\s): Rat Queens 008 2014 Digital-Empire
18-Apr-2016 13:48:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : [FILENAME] end nzbname: Rat.Queens.008.2014.Digital-Empire
18-Apr-2016 13:48:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : Cache Directory successfully found at : /mylar/cache/. Ensuring proper permissions.
18-Apr-2016 13:48:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : Successfully changed ownership and permissions [batmite:heroes] / [0777 / 0777]
18-Apr-2016 13:48:28 - INFO :: Thread-12 : prov  : OzNzb (newznab)[1308aa08b369f5ecaff1db4780a7562b]
18-Apr-2016 13:48:28 - INFO :: Thread-12 : [FAILED_DOWNLOAD_CHECKER] Successfully marked this download as Good for downloadable content
18-Apr-2016 13:48:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : [FAILED_DOWNLOAD_CHECKER] This is not in the failed downloads list. Will continue with the download.
18-Apr-2016 13:48:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-12 : issues match!
18-Apr-2016 13:48:28 - INFO :: Thread-12 : Found Rat Queens (2014) issue: 8 using OzNzb (newznab)
OZnzb search results are working fine - now whether or not the issue actually downloads from the provider, I can't test. But it definitley finds it, and sends it successfully to SABnzbd with no issues.

You have to remember that block accounts won't help if the file doesn't exist 100% on the newsgroups. The block accounts might help you get various pieces from here & there that you might be unable to grab given only one provider, but it very well might be that the issues have been removed from the newsgroups (they might stay in some form, just not enough to have a complete file).

Will definitely need to see the logs, so that we can verify if the nzb's are being downloaded fine and sent to SAB ok, or you are just not able to download from SAB once the files are already present.

Re: help setting up mylar ?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:59 am
by cojoMan
screenshots of the current mylar and sabnzb setup

Re: help setting up mylar ?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 4:08 am
by evilhero
Turn on Verify SSL for Oznzb, save the settings and restart mylar.
This is needed as it's an https site and so the ssl certificate needs to get verified properly for any access to occur.

Re: help setting up mylar ?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 4:24 am
by cojoMan
and the log (reverse order as far as I can tell) :

PS. doing the SSL check option right away,,,

Code: Select all

2016-04-18 21:09:36	DEBUG	Cleantitle: rat queens 013 (2015) (uhd) (digital) (dogmatix-empire)
2016-04-18 21:09:36	DEBUG	Entry: Rat Queens 013 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire)
2016-04-18 21:09:36	DEBUG	Thu, 19 Nov 2015 12:46:54 +1000 is after store date of 2015-11-18
2016-04-18 21:09:36	DEBUG	size given as: 92.4 MB
2016-04-18 21:09:36	DEBUG	sub:Rat Queens 013 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire)
2016-04-18 21:09:36	DEBUG	checking search result: Rat Queens 013 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire)
2016-04-18 21:09:35	DEBUG	[SSL: True] Search URL:
2016-04-18 21:09:28	INFO	[UPDATER] Updated the status (Snatched) complete for Rat Queens Issue: 13
2016-04-18 21:09:28	DEBUG	[UPDATER] Provider is newznab
2016-04-18 21:09:28	INFO	[UPDATER] Updating status to snatched
2016-04-18 21:09:28	DEBUG	[UPDATER] issueid: 506225
2016-04-18 21:09:28	DEBUG	[UPDATER] comicid: 67680
2016-04-18 21:09:28	INFO	passing to updater.
2016-04-18 21:09:28	DEBUG	findit = found!
2016-04-18 21:09:28	DEBUG	Deleted stale entry from nzblog for IssueID: 506225 [OZnzb (newznab)]
2016-04-18 21:09:28	INFO	setting the nzbid for this download grabbed by OZnzb (newznab) in the nzblog to : REDACTED
2016-04-18 21:09:28	DEBUG	Found matching comic...preparing to send to Updater with IssueID: 506225 and nzbname: Rat.Queens.013.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:09:28	DEBUG	we should break out now - sucessful search previous
2016-04-18 21:09:28	DEBUG	Recieved API command: downloadNZB
2016-04-18 21:09:28	INFO	Successfully sent nzb file to SABnzbd
2016-04-18 21:09:28	DEBUG	Matched to key. Api set to : download mode.
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	sab-to-send:http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.013.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb&priority=-100&cat=comics&
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	Completed send-to-SAB link: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.013.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb&priority=-100&cat=comics&
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	...attaching rename script: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.013.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb&priority=-100&cat=comics&
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	...attaching category: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.013.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb&priority=-100&cat=comics
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	...setting priority: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.013.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb&priority=-100
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	...attaching nzb via internal Mylar API: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.013.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	...selecting API type: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	send-to-SAB host &api initiation string : http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	link given by: newznab
2016-04-18 21:09:27	INFO	Found Rat Queens (2015) issue: 13 using OZnzb (newznab)
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	issues match!
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	[FAILED_DOWNLOAD_CHECKER] This is not in the failed downloads list. Will continue with the download.
2016-04-18 21:09:27	INFO	[FAILED_DOWNLOAD_CHECKER] Successfully marked this download as Good for downloadable content
2016-04-18 21:09:27	INFO	prov : OZnzb (newznab)[REDACTED]
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	Cache Directory successfully found at : c:\Mylar\cache/. Ensuring proper permissions.
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	[FILENAME] end nzbname: Rat.Queens.013.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	[FILENAME] nzbname (\s): Rat Queens 013 2015 uHD Digital Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:09:27	DEBUG	[FILENAME] filename (remove chars): Rat Queens 013 2015 uHD Digital Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:09:25	INFO	Download URL: [VerifySSL:True]
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	payload:{'apikey': 'REDACTED', 't': 'get', 'id': 'REDACTED'}
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	[newznab] link:
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	nzbname used for post-processing:Rat.Queens.013.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] end nzbname: Rat.Queens.013.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] nzbname (\s): Rat Queens 013 2015 uHD Digital Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] nzbname (remove chars): Rat Queens 013 2015 uHD Digital Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] entry[title]: Rat Queens 013 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire)
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	integer value of issue we have found : 13000
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	issue we found for is : 013
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	integer value of issue we are looking for : 13000
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	issue we are looking for is : 13
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	this should be a match!
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	it's a go captain... - we matched 100.0%!
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	Match to series : 100.0 %.
2016-04-18 21:09:25	DEBUG	splitit-len:2
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	scount:2
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	word matched on : queens
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	1 Comparing: queens .to. queens
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	scount : 1
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	splitit: queens
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	word matched on : rat
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	0 Comparing: rat .to. rat
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	scount : 0
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	splitit: rat
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	Watchlist-length: 2
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	search-length: 2
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	length match..proceeding
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	len-watchcomic : 2
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	splitst : 2
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	['rat', 'queens'] watchlist word count: 2
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	['rat', 'queens', '013'] nzb series word count: 2
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	adjusting from: rat queens 013 to: 013
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	adjusted nzb comic and issue: rat queens 013
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	original nzb comic and issue: rat queens 013
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	Scanner detected: dogmatix-empire
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	7. Bracket Word: dogmatix-empire
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	digital edition detected
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	5. Bracket Word: digital
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	3. Bracket Word: uhd
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	2015 - right years match baby!
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	year looking for: 2015
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	year detected: 2015
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	1. Bracket Word: 2015
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	Series version detected as V1 (only series in existance with that title). Bypassing Year/Volume check
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	ComVersChk : 0
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	UseFuzzy is : None
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	Comic: rat queens 013
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	0. Bracket Word: rat queens 013
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	Cleantitle: rat queens 013 (2015) (uhd) (digital) (dogmatix-empire)
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	Cleantitle: rat queens 013 (2015) (uhd) (digital) (dogmatix-empire)
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	Entry: Rat Queens 013 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire)
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	Thu, 19 Nov 2015 12:46:54 +1000 is after store date of 2015-11-18
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	size given as: 92.4 MB
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	sub:Rat Queens 013 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire)
2016-04-18 21:09:24	DEBUG	checking search result: Rat Queens 013 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire)
2016-04-18 21:09:23	DEBUG	[SSL: True] Search URL:
2016-04-18 21:08:50	WARNING	[POST-PROCESSING] Post-Processing ABORTED
2016-04-18 21:08:50	WARNING	[POST-PROCESSING] Failed to move directory : C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\complete\Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire\Rat Queens 010 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire).cbr to C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\mylar\Rat Queens (2013)\Rat Queens 010 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire).cbr - check directory and manually re-run
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] nfilename:Rat Queens 010 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire).cbr
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] ofilename:Rat Queens 010 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire).cbr
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] odir: C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\complete\Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] self.nzb_folder: C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\complete\Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Destination: C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\mylar\Rat Queens (2013)\Rat Queens 010 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire).cbr
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Source: C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\complete\Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire\Rat Queens 010 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire).cbr
2016-04-18 21:08:50	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING][DIRECTORY-CHECK] Found comic directory: C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\mylar\Rat Queens (2013)
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] New Filename: Rat Queens 010 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire)
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Rename Files is not enabled - keeping original filename.
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Original Extension: .cbr
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Original Filename: Rat Queens 010 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire).cbr
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Unable to write metadata successfully - check mylar.log file. Attempting to continue without tagging...
2016-04-18 21:08:50	WARNING	[META-TAGGER] You have metatagging enabled, but you have not selected the type(s) of metadata to write. Please fix and re-run manually
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[META-TAGGER] ComicTagger 1.20.0 [ninjas.walk.alone / SHURIKEN] being used - using personal ComicVine API key supplied via mylar.
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[META-TAGGER] Running the ComicTagger Add-on for Mylar
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[META-TAGGER] comicpath : c:\Mylar\cache/mylar_vjvtjs
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[META-TAGGER] sabnzbdscriptpath : c:\Mylar
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[META-TAGGER] downloadpath : C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\complete\Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[META-TAGGER] scriptname :
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[META-TAGGER] Paths / Locations:
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[META-TAGGER] Filename is : C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\complete\Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire\Rat Queens 010 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire).cbr
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	ComicTagger Path location for internal set to : c:\Mylar\
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[META-TAGGER] dirName:C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\complete\Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Metatagging enabled - proceeding...
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] ofilename: Rat Queens 010 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire).cbr
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] odir: C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\complete\Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] ofilename: Rat Queens 010 (2015) (uHD) (Digital) (Dogmatix-Empire).cbr
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] odir (root): C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\complete\Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] New format: $Series $Issue ($Year)
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Not an annual - removing from filename parameters
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] New format is now: $Series $Issue ($Year)
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] No version # found for series, removing from filename
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Comic Version: None
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Comic Location: C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\mylar\Rat Queens (2013)
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Year: 2013
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Series: Rat Queens
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Publisher: Shadowline
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Issue Year : 2015
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Pretty Comic Issue is : 10
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	Zero level supplement set to none.Issue will be set as : 10
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	issue detected greater than 10, but less than 100
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Zero Suppression set to : none
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] issuenumOG: 10
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] issueid: 485479
2016-04-18 21:08:50	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING] [1/1] Starting Post-Processing for Rat Queens issue: 10
2016-04-18 21:08:50	INFO	[DUPECHECK] Duplication detection returned no hits. This is not a duplicate of anything that I have scanned in as of yet.
2016-04-18 21:08:50	INFO	[DUPECHECK] Duplicate check for C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\complete\Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	INFO	[POST-PROCESSING] issuenzb found.
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] Issueid: 485479
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] After conversions, nzbname is : Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[NZBNAME] nzbname (remove extensions, double spaces, convert underscores to spaces): Rat Queens 010 2015 uHD Digital Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[NZBNAME] nzbname (remove chars): Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[NZBNAME]: Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] nzb folder: C:\Users\cojoMan\Downloads\complete\Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	DEBUG	[POST-PROCESSING] nzb name: Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	INFO	Starting postprocessing for : Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:50	INFO version: 1.01 -- version: 1.0
2016-04-18 21:08:35	INFO	pausing for 60 seconds before continuing to avoid hammering
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	comicid: 67680
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	nzbprov: newznab
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	RSS Check: None
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	calpha/cnumber: None / None
2016-04-18 21:08:35	INFO	Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for Rat Queens issue: 13 (2015) using OZnzb (newznab)
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	using Newznab host of : OZnzb
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	Initiating Search via : api
2016-04-18 21:08:35	INFO	search provider order is ['newznab:OZnzb', 'newznab:nzbgeek']
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	provider order sequence is now to start with nzbgeek at spot #4
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	sucessfully matched - appending to provider.order sequence
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	newznab match against: newznab:nzbgeek
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	checking against nzb provider: newznab:nzbgeek
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	checking against nzb provider: newznab:OZnzb
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	found provider in existing enabled providers.
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	provider order sequence is now to start with OZnzb at spot #0
2016-04-18 21:08:35	DEBUG	checking against nzb provider: newznab:nzbgeek
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	sucessfully matched - appending to provider.order sequence
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	newznab match against: newznab:OZnzb
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	checking against nzb provider: newznab:OZnzb
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	found provider in existing enabled providers.
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	Usenet Retention : 1500 days
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	there are : 2 nzb providers you have selected.
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	there are : 0 torrent providers you have selected.
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	nzbprovider(s): ['newznab:OZnzb', 'newznab:nzbgeek']
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	newznab name:nzbgeek @
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	newznab name:OZnzb @
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	Checking for torrent enabled.
2016-04-18 21:08:34	INFO	Issue Title given as : demons, part three
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	Publisher is : Shadowline
2016-04-18 21:08:34	INFO	Initiating manual search for Rat Queens issue: 13
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	mode:want
2016-04-18 21:08:34	DEBUG	ComicID:67680
2016-04-18 21:08:23	INFO	pausing for 60 seconds before continuing to avoid hammering
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	comicid: 67680
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	nzbprov: newznab
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	RSS Check: None
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	calpha/cnumber: None / None
2016-04-18 21:08:23	INFO	Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for Rat Queens issue: 13 (2015) using OZnzb (newznab)
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	using Newznab host of : OZnzb
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	Initiating Search via : api
2016-04-18 21:08:23	INFO	search provider order is ['newznab:OZnzb', 'newznab:nzbgeek']
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	provider order sequence is now to start with nzbgeek at spot #4
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	sucessfully matched - appending to provider.order sequence
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	newznab match against: newznab:nzbgeek
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	checking against nzb provider: newznab:nzbgeek
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	checking against nzb provider: newznab:OZnzb
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	found provider in existing enabled providers.
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	provider order sequence is now to start with OZnzb at spot #0
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	checking against nzb provider: newznab:nzbgeek
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	sucessfully matched - appending to provider.order sequence
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	newznab match against: newznab:OZnzb
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	checking against nzb provider: newznab:OZnzb
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	found provider in existing enabled providers.
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	Usenet Retention : 1500 days
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	there are : 2 nzb providers you have selected.
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	there are : 0 torrent providers you have selected.
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	nzbprovider(s): ['newznab:OZnzb', 'newznab:nzbgeek']
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	newznab name:nzbgeek @
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	newznab name:OZnzb @
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	Checking for torrent enabled.
2016-04-18 21:08:23	INFO	Issue Title given as : demons, part three
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	Publisher is : Shadowline
2016-04-18 21:08:23	INFO	Initiating manual search for Rat Queens issue: 13
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	mode:want
2016-04-18 21:08:23	DEBUG	ComicID:67680
2016-04-18 21:08:15	INFO	[UPDATER] Updated the status (Snatched) complete for Rat Queens Issue: 10
2016-04-18 21:08:15	DEBUG	[UPDATER] Provider is newznab
2016-04-18 21:08:15	INFO	[UPDATER] Updating status to snatched
2016-04-18 21:08:15	DEBUG	[UPDATER] issueid: 485479
2016-04-18 21:08:15	DEBUG	[UPDATER] comicid: 67680
2016-04-18 21:08:15	INFO	passing to updater.
2016-04-18 21:08:15	DEBUG	findit = found!
2016-04-18 21:08:15	INFO	setting the nzbid for this download grabbed by nzbgeek (newznab) in the nzblog to : bfdeff1dd4da7105fbaadbbce2a7ad01
2016-04-18 21:08:15	DEBUG	Found matching comic...preparing to send to Updater with IssueID: 485479 and nzbname: Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:15	DEBUG	Recieved API command: downloadNZB
2016-04-18 21:08:15	DEBUG	we should break out now - sucessful search previous
2016-04-18 21:08:15	DEBUG	Matched to key. Api set to : download mode.
2016-04-18 21:08:15	INFO	Successfully sent nzb file to SABnzbd
2016-04-18 21:08:15	DEBUG	Weekly pull list present - retrieving pull-list date.
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	sab-to-send:http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb&priority=-100&cat=comics&
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	Completed send-to-SAB link: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb&priority=-100&cat=comics&
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	...attaching rename script: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb&priority=-100&cat=comics&
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	...attaching category: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb&priority=-100&cat=comics
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	...setting priority: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb&priority=-100
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	...attaching nzb via internal Mylar API: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.70%3A8090%2Fapi%3Fapikey%REDACTED%26cmd%3DdownloadNZB%26nzbname%3DRat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	...selecting API type: http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED&mode=addurl&name=
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	send-to-SAB host &api initiation string : http://localhost:8080/api?apikey=REDACTED
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	link given by: newznab
2016-04-18 21:08:14	INFO	Found Rat Queens (2015) issue: 10 using nzbgeek (newznab)
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	issues match!
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	[FAILED_DOWNLOAD_CHECKER] This is not in the failed downloads list. Will continue with the download.
2016-04-18 21:08:14	INFO	[FAILED_DOWNLOAD_CHECKER] Successfully marked this download as Good for downloadable content
2016-04-18 21:08:14	INFO	prov : nzbgeek (newznab)[bfdeff1dd4da7105fbaadbbce2a7ad01]
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	Cache Directory successfully found at : c:\Mylar\cache/. Ensuring proper permissions.
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	[FILENAME] end nzbname: Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	[FILENAME] nzbname (\s): Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb
2016-04-18 21:08:14	DEBUG	[FILENAME] filename (remove chars): Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire.nzb
2016-04-18 21:08:12	INFO	Download URL: [VerifySSL:True]
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	payload:{'apikey': 'REDACTED', 't': 'get', 'id': 'bfdeff1dd4da7105fbaadbbce2a7ad01'}
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	[newznab] link:
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	nzbname used for post-processing:Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] end nzbname: Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] nzbname (\s): Rat Queens 010 2015 uHD Digital Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] nzbname (remove chars): Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	[SEARCHER] entry[title]: Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	integer value of issue we have found : 10000
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	issue we found for is : 010
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	integer value of issue we are looking for : 10000
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	issue we are looking for is : 10
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	this should be a match!
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	it's a go captain... - we matched 100.0%!
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	Match to series : 100.0 %.
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	splitit-len:2
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	scount:2
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	word matched on : queens
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	1 Comparing: queens .to. queens
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	scount : 1
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	splitit: queens
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	word matched on : rat
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	0 Comparing: rat .to. rat
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	scount : 0
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	splitit: rat
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	Watchlist-length: 2
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	search-length: 2
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	length match..proceeding
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	len-watchcomic : 2
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	splitst : 2
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	['rat', 'queens'] watchlist word count: 2
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	['rat', 'queens', '010'] nzb series word count: 2
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	adjusting from: rat queens 010 to: 010
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	adjusted nzb comic and issue: rat queens 010
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	original nzb comic and issue: rat queens 010
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	Scanner detected: uhd digital dogmatix-empire
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	2. Bracket Word: uhd digital dogmatix-empire
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	2015 - right years match baby!
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	year looking for: 2015
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	year detected: 2015
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	1. Bracket Word: 2015
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	Series version detected as V1 (only series in existance with that title). Bypassing Year/Volume check
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	ComVersChk : 0
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	UseFuzzy is : None
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	Comic: rat queens 010
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	0. Bracket Word: rat queens 010
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	Cleantitle: rat queens 010 (2015) uhd digital dogmatix-empire
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	detected invalid nzb filename - attempting to detect year to continue
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	Cleantitle: rat queens 010 2015 uhd digital dogmatix-empire
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	Entry: Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	Thu, 09 Apr 2015 03:24:25 +0000 is after store date of 2015-04-08
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	size given as: 82.9 MB
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	sub:Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:12	DEBUG	checking search result: Rat.Queens.010.2015.uHD.Digital.Dogmatix-Empire
2016-04-18 21:08:09	DEBUG	[SSL: True] Search URL:
2016-04-18 21:08:04	INFO	Web logs cleared