Number of results per page

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Number of results per page

Post by Aimhere »


When Mylar has to break up any list (comics, search results, logs, etc.) into multiple pages, the choices for the number of results per page go from 10 to 25 to 50, to "all" (with 100 as an option in some areas). But, in many cases (depending on what it is that I'm looking at), none of these options are really the best fit for a "typical" PC monitor. A setting of 10 results per page often leaves too much whitespace at the bottom, while 25 or above runs past the bottom of the window and requires scrolling.

Now, I define "typical" as a 1920x1080 ("full-HD" or "1080p") monitor at the default Microsoft Windows display resolution, DPI scaling, and Internet browser view zoom level. I feel this is not an unreasonable assumption, as 1080p monitors have been widely available for many years now, and nearly every PC or laptop sold these days uses 1080p. Granted, I'm sure many people are using Mylar with older monitors which may have different native screen resolutions, but even so, the available results-per-page options are too restrictive.

So, I'd personally like to see "15" as an option for results-per-page (and maybe even "20"), to fill in the gap between "10" and "25". Also, I'd like to see a setting in the Mylar configuration where we can set the default number of results-per-page (I think it always defaults to 25 right now, but I could be mistaken).

Alternatively, and this might be even better, would be to include the page controls ("First Previous 1 2 3 ... Next Last") at both the top and bottom of the list, instead of just at the bottom like it is now. This would be more convenient than having to scroll all the way to the bottom every time a new page is displayed. And, it would nicely fill in that whitespace I mentioned above. :)
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Re: Number of results per page

Post by evilhero »

While I do agree with your points, I'm also one of the ones that use a non-1080p screen (and my laptop is probably just over a yr old). My wife also uses the zoom factor at a 200% view (yeah, don't ask) - so while some users might be displaying things in a 'HD'-type of environment because of their equipment, it's best not to assume everyone will be using one thing when in fact there are probably just as many not using it. I'm not saying you're wrong in your assumption in the least - I just know that if I change something in one way for X users, the same amount of users will complain that it was changed :/

The dropdown choices were just pre-determined from when I had cloned the headphones repo years and ago and never revisited it. I can definitely add in a '15' - so the choices would then be : 10, 15, 25, 50, 100 (I think).

As for the default paging, the length is actually set on a per/page basis, which under normal circumstances probably does default to 25. I think I can add a setting into the config.ini that allows a user to change the default on a global scale, but I'm not 100% if it's an easy solution, or not atm (I haven't event tried).

I've also tried to include the page controls on the top & bottom previously, but could never get them to display properly on the page at the same time without throwing off the formatting or causing weird display issues. It's a setting within the datatables, where you just specify it based on location against the definition of the whole table - and maybe I was doing it wrong back then - but I really didn't have very much luck at all with the whole scenario. Having 2 page controls, a filter box, a dropdown selector to display results per page, and then the total (showing 1 of xxx results) means that something has to go. Users want to have at least 1 page control, the filter box is essential as well as the dropdown selection, and the total results is just as important- so you can understand why I chose to only do the 1 page control at the time. I'll look into this abit more though - maybe I can maneuver items around abit better now that I have some experience in dealing with the datatables.
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